Diseases of the blood system
Fig. 216. Bone marrow in aplastic anemia (macropreparation)
Fig. 217. Bone marrow in aplastic anemia (micropreparation). Adipose tissue (1) with isolated islets of hematopoietic cells (2); trabecula of bone (3). Hematoxylin and eosin staining
Fig. 218. Kidney in lymphocytic leukemia (macropreparation)
Fig. 219. Kidney in lymphocytic leukemia (micropreparation). Around the vessels (1) there is an extensive leukemic infiltrate (2) from tumor lymphocytes of varying degrees of maturity; glomerulus (3) and tubules of the kidney (4) in a state of atrophy. Hematoxylin and eositrabecula of bone
Fig. 220. Celiac lymph nodes in lymphogranulomatosis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma (macropreparation)
Fig. 221. Lymph node in lymphogranulomatosis, Hodgkin’s lymphoma (micropreparation). In the polymorphic cellular infiltrate (1), consisting of small lymphocytes, eosinophils, plasma cells, histiocytes and neutrophils, giant multinucleated Berezovsky–Reed–Sternberg cells (2) are found, as well as a variant of their differentiation: large mononucleated Hodgkin cells (mixed-cell variant). Hematoxylin and eositrabecula of bone
Fig. 222. ‘Porphyritic spleen’ in Hodgkin’s lymphoma (macropreparation)
Fig. 223. Burkitt’s lymphoma (micropreparation). Among the monomorphic, undifferentiated, closely adjacent lymphoid cells of medium size (1), there are large solitary macrophages with a light cytoplasm containing phagocytosed inclusions (2). Known as ‘starry sky’ pattern. Hematoxylin and eosin staining