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Sociology of Medicine
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
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Table of contents
Editorial notes
Author’s preface
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
Chapter 20. Sociology of medical profession
20.1. Methodological aspects of medical profession
20.2. Historical aspects of medical profession
20.3. Deontology and biomedical ethics
20.4. Doctor and society
20.5. Doctor and patient
20.6. Moral and ethic aspects in commercial doctor-patient relationship
Chapter 21. Sociology of medical science
21.1. Object and subject matter in medical science
21.2. Problems of interaction between medical science and society
21.3. Collective and individual peculiarities in scientific work
21.4. Scientific school
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