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Histology, Embryology, Cytology
General histology
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Table of contents
Team of authors
Science editors
Foreword from science editors to the seventh edition
Foreword to the sixth edition
Foreword to the fifth edition
Introductory part
General histology
Chapter 6. Basic concepts of general histology
6.1. Tissue as a system
6.2. Tissue classifications
6.3. Tissue regeneration
Chapter 7. Epithelial tissues
7.1. General morphological features and classifications
7.2. Surface epithelia
7.2.1. Simple epithelium
7.2.2. Stratified epithelium
7.3. Glandular epithelia
Chapter 8. Blood and lymph. Hemopoiesis
8.1. CONCEPT of hematolymphoid system
8.2. Blood
8.2.1. Blood plasma
8.2.2. Blood cells
8.3. Lymph
8.4. Hemopoiesis
8.4.1. Embryonic hemopoiesis
8.4.2. Postnatal hemopoiesis
Chapter 9. Connective tissue
9.1. Connective tissue proper
9.1.1. Fibrous connective tissue
9.1.2. Connective tissue with special properties
9.2. Supporting tissue
9.2.1. Cartilaginous tissue
9.2.2. Bone tissue
Chapter 10. Muscle tissue
10.1. General morphofunctional features and classification
10.2. Striated muscle tissue
10.2.1. Skeletal striated muscle tissue
10.2.2. Cardiac muscle tissue
10.3. Smooth muscle tissue
10.3.1. Mesenchymal muscle tissue
10.3.2. Neurogenic muscle tissue
10.3.3. Muscle tissue of epidermal origin
10.3.4. Myoid cells
Chapter 11. Nervous tissue
11.1. Nervous tissue development
11.2. Neurons
11.3. Neuroglia
11.3.1. Macroglia
11.3.2. Microglia
11.4. Nerve fibers
11.4.1. Nonmyelinated nerve fibers
11.4.2. Myelinated nerve fibers
11.4.3. Reaction of neurons and nerve fibers to trauma
11.5. Nerve endings
11.5.1. Synapses
11.5.2. Effector nerve endings
11.5.3. Receptor nerve endings
11.6. Concept of reflex arc
Special histology. Introduction to histology of human organs and systems
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