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Pharmaceutical Ecology
Chapter 5. Pollution of the environment with heavy metals
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Table of contents
List of abbreviations
Chapter 1. Some issues of general ecology
Chapter 2. Environmental pollution with pollutants from industrial wastewater
Chapter 3. Environmental pollution with emissions into the atmosphere
Chapter 4. Environmental pollution with industrial waste
Chapter 5. Pollution of the environment with heavy metals
5.1. Heavy metals as super ecotoxicants. Major sources of pollution
5.1.1. Pollution of the atmosphere with heavy metals
5.1.2. Pollution of the hydrosphere with heavy metals
5.1.3. Pollution of the soil with heavy metals
5.1.4. Contamination of medicinal plants with heavy metals
5.1.5. Contamination of medicinal products with heavy metals
5.1.6. Pathways of metals to the body
5.1.7. Metal classification depending on biological effect on the body
5.1.8. Metal toxicity mechanisms
5.2. Some most common toxic metals
5.2.1. Lead
5.2.2. Mercury
5.2.3. Cadmium
5.2.4. Arsenic
5.2.5. Nickel
5.2.6. Chromium
5.3. Methods of metal analysis
Chapter 6. Pollution of the environment with pesticides, dioxins and other polycyclic aromatic compounds
Chapter 7. Pollution of the environment with nitrogen compounds
Chapter 8. Pollution of the environment with radionuclides
Chapter 9. Food additives
Chapter 10. Dietary supplements
Suggested Reading List
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