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This teaching aid is addition to the main textbook source of information on the topographical anatomy of regions of the human body and clinical anatomy of inner organs. Its English version is intended for students who take a training course in the international faculty of the university. The description of the topographical anatomy of the region is given strictly by layers. By the definition of every layer, it is adding some basic information on its structure and topography. Such information is the structure and topography of basic vasculonerval bunches or individual blood vessels and nerves.

By describing the clinical anatomy of the organ or joint in the norm, they are logically adding basic information on holotopy, skeletotopy, syntopy, anatomical structure, blood supply, innervation, lymph outflow. The information on anatomy and topography of organs in pathological state is taken to the postgraduate stage of teaching.

In this aid, clinical considerations are added after the description of almost every region or organ, indicating the applied significance of their anatomy and topography.

The teaching aid is illustrated by pictures, which are located on opening pages. On each of such opening page to the right on the odd page there is the description of region or organ, and, to the left on even page it is situated according to its region or organ picture. Such disposition makes the presentation of educational material more visual and makes the learning process easier.

Dear international students!

The authors of this teaching aid will be awfully glad if you choose to use this aid and wish you success in the learning of our complicated but interesting and very important for clinical medicine scientific and educational discipline.

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