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Dear students! The intensive development of pediatrics as children's health science in the process of its growth and development, a science that has a direct impact on everyday practice, requires regular review and rethinking of diagnostic and therapeutic tactics. It is constantly changing and supplemented due to the influx of information from related disciplines: molecular biology, genetics, immunology, biochemistry, physiology, biotechnology and computer science.

Certainly, the most effective method for studying pediatric diseases is learning at the patient's bedside. However, the student must begin to work with patients having basic theoretical knowledge. The world today is dynamic, volatile and diverse, therefore, in this textbook, knowledge is presented taking into account the latest achievements of national pediatrics in a succinct, but sufficient form, visually accessible for assimilation.

The majority of students and teachers of medical schools are well aware of how important it is for teaching to be demonstrative. ?It is better to see something once, than to hear about it a thousand times? goes an old saying. That is why, along with many illustrations, the electronic supplement to the textbook "Student Consultant. Digital library of a medical university "(www.studmedlib.ru/extra) features 15 videos: history taking in pediatrics; physical examination of a child; additional diagnostic methods; child care; massage for infants; organization of breastfeeding in a pediatric clinic; rickets; pneumonia in children; asthma; acute rheumatic fever; chronic disorders of gas-troduodenal zone; celiac disease; urinary tract infections in children; diabetes; acute respiratory viral infection. For self-testing of the knowledge gained, each chapter of the textbook is supplied with an electronic version of test control with an assessment of the results.

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