Topics of the lesson: Surface limits and landmarks of the anterolateral abdominal wall, regions of the abdomen. Projections of the peritoneal and retroperitoneal organs on the anterolateral abdominal wall. Structure of the anterolateral abdominal wall in the medial and lateral regions, blood supply, innervation, venous and lymphatic drainage, portocaval and саvа-саval anastomoses, their practical meaning. Weak places, structure of the white abdominal line, umbilical ring, semilunar line. Inguinal region, inguinal triangle, inguinal canal and its content in men and women, inguinal space and its practical meaning. Structure of the spermatic cord. Topographic anatomy of the internal surface of the anterolateral abdominal wall, folds and recesses of the parietal peritoneum, their practical meaning. Congenital defects of the anterolateral abdominal wall: umbilical fistula, umbilical canal hernia (omphalocele).
13.1. Sign the names of the landmarks in the Fig. 13.1, draw the surface limits of the anterolateral abdominal wall.
Fig. 13.1. Surface landmarks of the anterolateral abdominal wall
13.2. In the Fig. 13.2, draw the limits of the 9 regions оf the anterolateral abdominal wall and sign their English and Latin names. Complete the table about holotopy of the abdominal organs.
Region 1 - Regio hypochondrica dextra | | |
Organs: The right lobe of the liver - - - - - - | | |
| | Region 6 - Regio abdominalis lateralis sinistra |
Fig. 13.2. Regions of the anterolateral abdominal wall and holotopy of the abdominal organs.
13.3. Sign the English and Latin names of the muscles that are indicated on the Fig. 13.3.
Fig. 13.3. Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall
13.4. Sign the English and Latin names of the layers that construct the rectus sheath above and below the umbilicus using the Fig. 13.4. Choose the image that illustrates structure of the rectus sheath above umbilicus and the image that illustrates structure of the rectus sheath below the umbilicus.