Topics of the lesson: Facial regions. Face innervation. Projections of the branches of the trigeminal and facial nerve. Blood supply and venous outflow. Projections of facial vessels. Venous anastomoses. Lymph nodes. Muscles and fascia of the face. Topography of the parotid gland. The Bichat's fat pad of the cheek. Deep face area. Cellular spaces of the face. The spread of purulent processes. Complications of purulent parotiditis. Incision and drainage phlegmon. Primary surgical treatment of facial wounds.
10.1. Using Fig. 10.1, define face regions in English and Latin languages. Shade them in different colors.
Fig. 10.1. Face regions
1. __
2. __
3. __
4. __
5. __
6. __
7. __
8. __
10.2. Highlight buccal region and define its borders. Draw projections of the main arteries of this area and mark them in the picture.
Fig. 10.2. Face regions
10.3. Using Fig. 10.3, sign anatomic structures according to the numbers in English and Latin languages.
Рис. 10.3. Facial bones
10.4. Highlight the parotid-masseteric region (regio parotideomasseterica) and define its borders. Draw projections of the main nerves of this area and mark them in the picture.
Fig. 10.4. Facial regions
10.5. Which cranial nerve innervates muscles used for facial expression (facial muscles)?
Which cranial nerve innervates muscles of mastication?
_What nerve branches provide sensory innervation?
10.6. Mark the terminal (cutaneous) branches of the trigeminal nerve in the Fig. 10.5.
Fig. 10.5. The trigeminal nerve branches
1. _
2. _
3. _
4. _
10.7. Using Fig. 10.6, name the arteries. What large artery do these branches make up?
Fig. 10.6. Arteries of the head