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ICD-10 Codes

N97.0 Female infertility associated with anovulation.

N97.1 Female infertility of tubal origin.

N97.2 Female infertility of uterine origin.

N97.3 Female infertility of cervical origin.

N97.4 Female infertility associated with male factors.

N97.8 Female infertility of other origin.

N97.9 Female infertility, unspecified.

N46 Male infertility.


Infertility is defined as inability of a sexually mature person to conceive children.

Infertility is a failure to achieve pregnancy when the couple are of childbearing age, using no birth control for 12 months of regular sex life.


Infertility in married life is an important and complicated medicosocial problem. According to epidemiologic studies, the rate of infertile marriage varies from 8 to 29%. In the estimation of researchers about 10% of couples are infertile in Europe, 8-15% in the USA, about 17% in Canada, and 15.4% in Australia. In Russia the rate of infertile couples is 17-20% meaning over 5 million couples, with no sign of downward trend. Infertility is due to reproductive disorder in the man or woman in almost equal share in 40-60% of cases; infertility in both spouses simultaneously is noted in 30-48%; in about 5% of couples the cause of infertility remains unclear.


Male and female infertility are distinguished, as well as a combination of male and female infertility also described as combined infertility. Infertility is subdivided into:

• primary and secondary;

• absolute and relative.

Primary infertility is absence of pregnancy from the beginning of sex life.

Secondary infertility is diagnosed when the woman has history of one or several pregnancies (childbirth, abortions, ectopic pregnancy).

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