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The organising of psychiatric care in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of Citizens' Rights during Its Provision". This law came into force on January 1, 1993. The aim of the law is the legal regulation of activities of psychiatric care and the legal status of citizens having mental disorders. The Law is created to do psychiatric care more efficient. The Law based on the modern legal base. The specificity of mental disease dictates a need in some cases to apply assistance measures contrary to the wishes of patients who are not aware of the painful nature of their state and actions, which sometimes is a serious threat to themselves or other people, or when a patient is helpless or unable to satisfy their basic needs. The activity of medical professionals providing psychiatric care needs legal regulation, as well as social status of people with mental disorders; protection of society in connection with the possibility of dangerous actions of the mental patients; the state duties and other aspects related to the assistance provided to people with a mental health condition.

Psychiatric care is guaranteed by the State and is based on the principles of legality; it is provided upon voluntary request of a citizen or with their consent, except in cases provided by the Law. The need to obtain consent from a person with a mental disorder for treatment is regulated, except for cases when coercive measures are applied (by court decision and in case of involuntary hospitalisation). When involuntary hospitalisation is carried out by the Law, the consent of their relatives is not taken into account if the patient is already of age and is considered capable. In this case, a court decision is compulsory.

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