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Lesson 6. Safety rules when working with dental equipment. Care and maintenance of dental equipment. Emergency situations in dental practice

Learning objective: to study safety rules when working with dental equipment, rules for the maintenance and care of dental equipment, basic emergency conditions in dental practice and first urgent aid.


To ensure long-term and trouble-free operation of dental units, it is necessary to follow the rules of operation and ensure systematic maintenance. Technical maintenance plan

Before you start, you need to do the following:

► check the availability of water and the availability of sewerage;

► check the operation of the compressor and for the presence of liquids in the tanks;

► check the performance of instruments, handpieces and seats;

► clean the instruments, control panels, handles and switches, spittoon bowl and the surface of the chair.

After each patient, you need to do the following:

► clean the instruments, control panels, handles and switches, spittoons and the surface of the chair;

► replace the tips of the saliva ejector and vacuum cleaner;

► clean the spittoon bowl.

At the end of the working day it is necessary to do the following:

► clean the spittoon bowl and fill the sewage system with a disinfectant and cleansing solution;

► disconnect the power supply from the unit, chair and compressor;

► shut off the water supply tap, thus disconnecting the unit from the water supply;

► release pressure from the compressor and the air system of the unit;

► release the remaining water from the hydraulic system of the unit;

► check for the cleanliness of instruments, control panels, handles and switches, spittoons and the surface of the chair;

► drain condensate from the compressor receiver;

► check the oil level in the compressor crankcase and the automatic tip lubrication system (if any);

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Lesson 6. Safety rules when working with dental equipment. Care and maintenance of dental equipment. Emergency situations in dental practice
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