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1. 50 lections by surgery. Edited by Saveljev V.S. M.: Media Medika, 2003

2. Abdominal surgical infection: clinics, diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy. Edited by V.S.Saveljev, B.R. Gelfand. M.: Littera, 2006.

3. Blok B., Shahshal G., Shmidt G. Gastroscopy. M., Medpressinform, 2007.

4. Bloovshtein G.A., Lagoon M.A., Haritonov B.S. Faculty surgery. Materials for test-control of the knowledge-level. Saratov, 2009.

5. Grigoryan R.A. Abdominal surgery. M., Medical informational publishing agency, 2006.

6. Clinical surgery. National manual. Moscow, 2008.

7. Mondor G. Urgent diagnosis. Volume 1. M., 1939.

8. Mishkin K. I., Rodnikovsky V. B., Frankfurt L.A. Mathematical modeling in clinical surgery. Saratov, 1969.

9. Mishkin K.I., Lagoon M.A. Perforative gastroduodenal ulcers. Pub. of the Saratov University. 1983

10. Mishkin K.I., Frankfurt L.A. The course of faculty surgery in tables and schemes. Saratov. 1991.

11. Patyutko Yu.I., Sirgery diseases cancerous growth of liver. Moscow. Practical medicine. 2005.

12. Patyutko Yu.I., Kotelnikov A.G. Surgery of cancer organs biliopancreatoduodenal zons. Moscow. Medicine. 2007.

13. Sleptsov I.V. Nodes of thyroid gland. S.-Pb., 2009.

14. Thoracic sorgery. Edited by Bisenkov L.N. Pub. "Hippocrates", 2004.

15. Ferguson M.K. Atlas of thoracic surgery. M., Geotar-media, 2009.

16. Frantzaides K. Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic surgery. Binom. Moscow. Hevsky dialect. S.-Pb. 2000.

17. Surgical diseases of esophagus and cardii. Edited by Zubarev P.N., Trofimov V.M., S.-Pb., 2005.

18. Surgical diseases. Edited by Saveljev V.S., Kirienko A.I. Geotar-Media, 2005.

19. Surgical diseases. Edited by academic RAMS Kuzin M.I. Moscow, "Geotar-media", 2014.

20. Surgical diseases. Manual for interns. Edited by Fedorov V.D. and Emeljyanov S.I. M., 2005.

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