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Normal parameters of renal function

Diuresis - 800-2.500 ml/d. Specific gravity 1.018-1.025.

Protein - absent.

Glucose - absent.

Ketone bodies - are absent.

Microscopy of the sediment

Erythrocytes - few per high power field (h.p.f.). Leukocytes - few per h.p.f. Hyaline casts - few in the sample.

Additional data

Glucose of blood plasma - 65-110 mg/dl.

N 204*

Diuresis - 800 ml. Specific gravity - 1029. Protein - 1 g/l. Glucose - not found. Ketone bodies - not found.

Microscopy: 40-50 erythrocytes per h.p.f.; few hyaline and red blood cell casts.

Additional data: blood pressure - 165/105 mm Hg; blood urea nitrogen -

50 mg/dl (N: 20-40 mg/dl).

High titers of antistreptolysin O in blood plasma.

N 205

Diuresis - 2.800 ml. Specific gravity - 1009. Protein - 2 g/l. Glucose - not found. Ketone bodies - not found.

Microscopy: few erythrocytes per h.p.f.; hyaline casts.

Additional data: blood pressure - 185/100 mm Hg; blood urea nitrogen -

80 mg/dl (N: 20-40 mg/dl).

N 206

Diuresis - 420 ml. Specific gravity - 1011. Protein - 2 g/l. Glucose - not found. Ketone bodies - not found.

Microscopy: few erythrocytes per h.p.f.; hyaline, waxy, granular casts. Additional data: blood pressure - 175/95 mm Hg; blood urea nitrogen -

190 mg/dl (N: 20-40 mg/dl).

N 207

Diuresis - 1.000 ml. Specific gravity - 1037. Protein - 33 g/l. Glucose - not found. Ketone bodies - not found.

Microscopy: large amount of granular and waxy casts.

Additional data: blood pressure - 120/65 mm Hg; blood urea nitrogen -

35 mg/dl (N: 20-40 mg/dl).

N 208

Diuresis - 1.600 ml. Specific gravity - 1025. Protein - not found. Glucose - 2.5%. Ketone bodies - not found. Blood glucose - 80 mg/dl.

N 209

Diuresis - 5.500 ml. Specific gravity - 1040. Protein - not found. Glucose - 4%.

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