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I. The acute inflammation is a response to the following functions:

1. Isolation of infected tissues.

2. Inactivation of causative agents.

3. Neutralization of toxins.

4. Removal of devitalized tissue debris.

5. Dilution of toxins.

6. Depletion of immune response.

7. Preparation the tissue for repair.

II. Choose the causes of the phagocytic insufficiency at the stage of intracellular digestion.

1. A decrease in the activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

2. Insufficiency of integrins.

3. Insufficiency of selectins.

4. A decrease in the activity of lysosome enzymes.

5. A decrease in the activity of NADH oxidase.

6. Impairment in organelle membrane docking and fusion.

III. Which of the following local signs may be indicative of an inflammatory process?

1. Local redness.

2. Local paleness.

3. Local edema.

4. Local pain.

5. A decrease in local temperature.

6. Fever.

7. An increase in the plasma C-reactive protein.

8. Leukocytosis.

IV. Which of the following common signs may be indicative of an inflammatory process?

1. An increase in the plasma complement.

2. Fever.

3. Hyperalbuminemia.

4. An increase in plasma C-reactive protein.

5. Leukocytosis.

6. Paleness.

7. Edema.

V. Which of the following substances are inflammatory mediators of the cellular origin?

1. Kinins.

2. Lysosome enzymes.

3. Complement system.

4. Prostaglandins.

5. Leukotrienes.

6. Factors of the coagulation system.

7. Histamine.

8. Nitric oxide.

VI. Choose the order of changes of the local blood flow in inflammation: a - arterial hyperemia, b - ischemia, c - venous hyperemia, d - stasis.

1. a, b, c, d.

2. b, c, a, d.

3. b, a, c, d.

VII. Which of the following factors contribute to the development of edema in the area of inflammation?

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