Рис. 444. Открытый глаз:
1 - Width of palpebral fissure; 2 - Lateral angle of eye; 3 - Eyebrow; 4 - Superior eyelid; Upper eyelid; 5 - Medial angle of eye; 6 - Inferior
eyelid; Lower eyelid
Рис. 445. Жировое тело глазницы:
1 - Zygomatic bone; 2 - Inferior rectus; 3 - Retrobulbar fat; Orbital fat body; 4 - Bulbar conjunctiva; 5 - Cornea; 6 - Lateral rectus; 7 - Lacrimal gland, palpebral part; 8 - Lacrimal gland, orbital part; 9 - Eyeball; 10 - Superior rectus; 11 - Levator palpebrae superioris; 12 - Frontal bone; 13 - Tendinous sheath of superior oblique; 14 - Trochlea; 15 - Superior oblique; 16 - Frontal process; 17 - Posterior lacrimal crest; 18 - Nasolacrimal canal; 19 - Medial rectus; 20 - Inferior oblique; 21 - Infra-orbital foramen
Рис. 446. Глазное яблоко (А - положение в глазнице, жировая ткань удалена; Б - конъюнктива):
1 - Inferior oblique; 2 - Inferior rectus; 3 - Lateral rectus; 4 - Superior rectus; 5 - Superior oblique; 6 - Medial rectus; 7 - Posterior surface of eyelid; 8 - Inferior conjunctival fornix; 9 - Inferior eyelid; Lower eyelid; 10 - Bulbar conjunctiva; 11 - Corneoscleral junction; Corneal limbus; 12 - Lateral angle of eye; 13 - Superior eyelid; Upper eyelid; 14 - Anterior palpebral margin; 15 - Posterior palpebral margin; 16 - Lacrimal papilla; 17 - Lacrimal punctum; 18 - Lacus lacrimalis; Lacrimal lake; 19 - Medial angle of eye; 20 - Lacrimal caruncle;
21 - Plica semilunaris; 22 - Palpebral conjunctiva
Рис. 447. Строение века и конъюнктивы (А - сагиттальный разрез передней полости глазницы; Б - анатомия конъюнктивы):
1 - Inferior eyelid; Lower eyelid; 2 - Ciliary and sebaceous glands; 3 - Superior eyelid; Upper eyelid; 4 - Orbicularis oculi, orbital part; 5 - Orbital septum; 6 - Orbit, roof; 7 - Periorbita; 8 - Levator palpebrae superioris; 9 - Superior rectus; 10 - Superior conjunctival fornix; 11 - Superior tarsal muscle; 12 - Lens; 13 - Superior tarsus; Tarsal glands; 14 - Cornea; 15 - Iris; 16 - Ciliary body; 17 - Sclera; 18 - Retina; 19 - Inferior tarsus; 20 - Inferior tarsal muscle; 21 - Infra-orbital nerve; 22 - Orbicularis oculi, palpebral part; 23 - Bulbar conjunctiva; 24 - Palpebral conjunctiva; 25 - Inferior conjunctival fornix