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Additional Chapters of Higher Mathematics for Masters in Civil and Geotechnical Engineering
Chapter 4. Equation Chapter 4 Section 0. Ordinary differential equations
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Equation Chapter 1 Section 0. Topological, metric, functional, and vector spaces
Chapter 2. Equation Chapter 2 Section 0. Fourier series, wavelets, and integral transforms
Chapter 3. Equation Chapter 3 Section 0. Theory of matrices
Chapter 4. Equation Chapter 4 Section 0. Ordinary differential equations
4.1. Equation Chapter 4 Section 1. Basic concepts
4.2. Equation Chapter 4 Section 2. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients
4.3. Equation Chapter 4 Section 3. Closed form solutions for linear differential equations with variable coefficients
4.4. Equation Chapter 4 Section 4. Closed form solutions for non-linear differential equations
4.5. Equation Chapter 4 Section 5. Numerical methods for solving Cauchy problem of ordinary differential equations
Bibliography to Chapter 4
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