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Профессиональный английский архитектора в активных методах обучения
Unit 7. Ancient structures
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Table of contents
Unit 1. Architecture
Unit 2. The architect's job
Unit 3. Problem solving in architecture
Unit 4. The structure of the house
Unit 5. Building materials
Unit 6. Developing one-family mansion house design
Unit 7. Ancient structures
Unit 8. Greek and Roman architecture
Unit 9. The history of architectural styles
Unit 10. Hi-tech architecture
Appendix 1. Expressing opinions
Appendix 2. Preparing presentations
Appendix 3. Reflections
Appendix 4. Students' sinkweins
Appendix 5. Students' poetry
Appendix 6. Students' quotes
Appendix 7. Writing annotations and abstracts
Appendix 8. Six hats of thinking
Appendix 9. Design presentation
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