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Английский язык. Период : Древний мир
A Fragment of Introduction to H. G. Wells
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Table of contents
A Fragment of Introduction to H. G. Wells
Unit 1. The First Historical Peoples. The Sumerians, the Empire of Sargon
Unit 2. Early Civilizations. The Assyrian Empire, the Chaldean Empire
Unit 3. The Early History of Egypt
Unit 4. The Early History of China
Unit 5. The History of the Fathers and Founders
Unit 6. The Aryan-Speaking People
Unit 7. European Expedition of Darius I
Unit 8. The Athens of Pericles (part I)
Unit 9. The Athens of Pericles (part II)
Unit 10. Greek Thought
Unit 11. Religion at Alexandria
Unit 12. The Beginnings of the Latins. The Romans and the Etruscans
Unit 13. Further History of the Latins
Unit 14. The Roman Republic
Unit 15. The Growth of the Roman Empire
Unit 16. The teaching of Jesus
Unit 17. After Theodosius the Great. The End of the Western Empire
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