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History of Kazakhstan: coursebook
Chapter 14. Kazakhstan and the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Introduction to the History of Kazakhstan
Chapter 2. Kazakhstan in Ancient Times. Bronze Age. Tribal Unions of Early Iron Age. States of Wusun, Kangju, Huns
Chapter 3. Kazakhstan in Turkic Period, 6-12th Centuries
Chapter 4. Kazakhstan in the Period of Mongol Conquest and Rule
Chapter 5. Formation of Kazakh Nationality and Kazakh Khanate
Chapter 6. Kazakhstan in the First Quarter of 18th Century. Kazakh-Dzhungar Wars
Chapter 7. Kazakhstan and Russia in the Early Modern Period. Kazakhstan’s Accession to Russia
Chapter 8. Kazakhstan as a Part of the Russian Empire. Imperial Colonial Reforms of the 19th Century
Chapter 9. National Liberation Movement of Kazakh People under command of K. Kasymov, 1837-1847
Chapter 10. Kazakhstan in the Early 20th Century. February Revolution and October Revolution of 1917. Civil War in Kazakhstan, 1918-1920
Chapter 11. Industrialization in Kazakhstan: goals, specifi cs, rates, and results
Chapter 12. Agriculture collectivization as a Tragedy of Kazakhstani People
Chapter 13. Kazakhstan in Political Repressions Period, 1930s
Chapter 14. Kazakhstan and the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945
Chapter 15. Kazakhstan and Khrushchev Reforms, 1953-1964
Chapter 16. The USSR’s “Perestroika” Policy, 1985-1991. Kazakhstan on its way toward independence
Chapter 17. The Republic of Kazakhstan as an Independent State
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