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Sports Law in Russia: Monograph
Chapter 1. Sport as an area of legal regulation
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Sport as an area of legal regulation
§ 1. Legal definition of sport
1. The need for the exact legal definition of “sport”
2. Defi nitions of “sport” in laws of Russia and foreign countries
3. Scientifi cally developed definitions of “sport”
4. Definition of professional sport
§ 2. Autonomy of sport and its limits. Self-governance and autonomous regulatory order in the field of sport
1. General definition and meaning of autonomy of sport
2. Features, elements, and the definition of the autonomy of sport
3. Regulatory autonomy of sport
4. Examples of state legitimation of regulatory force of self-regulation statutes in sport
5. Defi nition of autonomous extralegal regulatory order in the field of sport
6. Legal guarantees of autonomy of sport in the Russian Federation legislation
§ 3. Features of administrative and legal support and implementation of state and municipal administration in the field of sport
1. General defi nition of public (state, municipal) administration
2. Definition and features of public administration in the field of sport
3. Features of subject-object area in the public administration of sport
4. System of administrative and legal support for public administration in the Russian Federation
5. State administration in the field of sport in foreign countries
§ 4. Labor governance in the field of physical culture and sport
Chapter 2. Governance of the elements of sport
Chapter 3. Actors of sport
Chapter 4. Governing of sport events
Chapter 5. Off ences and responsibilities in the field of sport
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