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Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика для применения в анализе данных
Chapter 7. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution. The Hypergeometric Distribution. The Geometric Distribution. The Poisson Distribution
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Table of contents
Chapter 1. Event Algebra. Basic Concepts
Chapter 2. Probability and Its Postulates. Probability Rules
Chapter 3. Conditional Probability. Statistical Independence
Chapter 4. Bayes’ Theorem and Total Probability Formula. Bivariate probabilities
Chapter 5. Random variables. Probability distributions for discrete random variables
Chapter 6. Jointly Distributed Discrete Random Variables
Chapter 7. Bernoulli Trials and Binomial Distribution. The Hypergeometric Distribution. The Geometric Distribution. The Poisson Distribution
Chapter 8. Continuous Random Variables
Chapter 9. Laws of large numbers
Chapter 10. Moments of a single random variable and jointly distributed continuous random variables
Chapter 11. Jointly Distributed Continuous Random Variables
Chapter 12. Introduction in the theory of Markov Chains
Chapter 13. Summarizing Numerical Information
Chapter 14. Summarizing Numerical Information for Grouped Data
Chapter 15. Sampling and Sampling Distributions
Chapter 16. Point Estimations and Methods of its’ Creation
Chapter 17. Confidence intervals
Chapter 18. Hypothesis Testing
Chapter 19. Some nonparametric tests
Chapter 20. ANOVA (Analysis of variance)
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