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Perioperative care in cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with or without hyperthermic IntraPEritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC): enhanced recovery after surgery. Postoperative management and special considerations (Периоперационный уход при циторедуктивной хирургии (CRS) с гипертермической внутрибрюшинной химиотерапией (HIPEC) или без нее: ускоренное восстановление после операции. Послеоперационное ведение и особые соображения)
Perioperative care in cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with or without hyperthermic IntraPEritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC): enhanced recovery after surgery. Postoperative management and special considerations
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Perioperative care in cytoreductive surgery (CRS) with or without hyperthermic IntraPEritoneal chemotherapy (HIPEC): enhanced recovery after surgery. Postoperative management and special considerations
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