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**Данные блоки поддерживают скрол вверх/вниз
Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English
Normal physiology
АвторыDorokhov Ye.V., Karpova A.V., Semiletova V.A. [et al.]
Год издания2021
The textbook is designed to improve the efficiency of students’ independent work in training for practical and final classes in extracurricular time. It contains theoretical material, arranged in a logical structure, revealing the most important mechanisms and regulations of physiological processes, as well as profile material for students of General Medicine faculty. The textbook includes control questions, situational tasks and keys to them.
It is intended for students studying in the training area of 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, a course of Normal physiology. It can also be useful for doctors interested in the physiological basis of their specialty. ...
Русский язык как иностранный для студентов-медиков = Russian as a Foreign Language for Medical Students
АвторыЛинник Л.А., Петросян М.М., Леонова А.С.
Год издания2021
Учебное пособие содержит тренировочные упражнения, игровые задания, в том числе кроссворды, викторины, диалоговые тренажёры, направленные на формирование навыков речевой деятельности в профессиональной среде, диалоги из популярных сериалов о медицинской деятельности, тексты для чтения. Издание также оснащено системой QR-кодов, использование которых позволяет включать в процесс обучения видеоматериалы, аудиоспектакли, мультфильмы, интервью, статьи, чтение стихов, классическую музыку.
Может быть использовано в качестве как основной, так и дополнительной литературы.
The study guide is intended for students, who speak Russian at the basic level (A2) and using the intermediary language (English) in their study. This edition is based on the working program "Russian as a foreign language" (31.05.01 "General medicine").
The study guide contains training exercises, game tasks, including crosswords, quizzes, dialogue simulators aimed at the formation of skills of speech activity in a professional environment, dialogues from popular TV series about medical activities, texts for reading, also the manual is equipped with a system of QR-codes, the use of which allows you to include video materials, audio performances, cartoons, interviews, articles, reading poetry, classical music into the learning process.
It can be used both as the main and additional source. ...
Law Science
Год издания2021
This textbook is aimed at mastering theoretical foundations of legal science, basic provisions of the leading branches of Russian law and legal regulations in the fi eld of healthcare. This edition contributes to the formation of general cultural and professional competencies necessary for the main types of practical professional activities and skills in applying legal norms to specifi c legally signifi cant facts of medical workers.
The textbook is written in compliance with the Federal Educational Standard and is intended for students of the medical faculty of medical universities studying the specialty 31.05.01 “General Medicine”.
Medical and biological physics
АвторыRemizov A.N.
Год издания2021
The textbook is written in accordance with the curriculum and reflects biomedical direction of the course. Along with problems of physics and biophysics, the publication deals with the elements of probability theory, mathematical statistics, medical metrology, electronics, etc.
It is intended for students and lecturers of medical, biological and agricultural specialties. ...
Analytical Chemistry. Analytics 2. Quantitative analysis. Physical-chemical (instrumental) analysis methods
АвторыKharitonov Yu.Ya.
Год издания2021
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the 3rd generation federal state educational standard. The book discusses the foundations of gravimetric, chemical titrimetric analysis methods (acid-base, oxidation-reduction, compleximetric including complexometry, precipitation titration in non-aqueous media), physical-chemical and physical methods: optical (colorimetry, photoelectrocolorimetry, spectrophotometry, fluorimetry), chromatographic (ion exchange, gas-liquid, high performance liquid chromatography), electrochemical (conductometry, potentiometry, polarography, amperometry, coulometry). The methods of statistical processing of the quantitative analysis results are characterized. Examples and exercises are provided.
The textbook is intended for university students of pharmacy, chemistry, and other disciplines that include a course of analytical chemistry. ...
Избранные лекции по нормальной физиологии = Selected Lectures on Normal Physiology
АвторыЛапкин М.М., Трутнева Е.А.
Год издания2021
Данные лекции подготовлены в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования по специальности 31.05.01 "Лечебное дело" по основным разделам дисциплины "Нормальная физиология", изучаемой на втором курсе медицинских вузов.
В лекциях освещены современные представления о физиологии - начиная с функционирования отдельных клеток и заканчивая работой организма в целом.
The present lectures are prepared in accordance with State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education on specialty 31.05.01 “General Medicine”, and contain material on basic sections of discipline “Normal Physiology” studied by the second year students of higher medical educational institutions.
The lectures cover modern concepts of physiology from the functioning of individual cells to the work of the whole organism. ...
General Care of a Patient
АвторыOslopov V.N., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V.
Год издания2021
Tutorial is compiled in accordance with the State Federal Educational Standard of Higher Education in 31.05.01 "General Medicine" speciality, the standard and working programs for the "General care" discipline. This tutorial highlights in details the content of unites, describes practical skills in a clear sequence of actions at the patient’s bedside.
The tutorial is intended for foreign students of medical higher education institutions.
Учебное пособие составлено в соответствии с федеральным государственным образовательным стандартом высшего образования по специальности 31.05.01 "Лечебное дело", типовой и рабочей программами по дисциплине "Общий уход". В нем подробно освещено содержание занятий, описаны практические умения в четкой последовательности действий у постели больного.
Учебное пособие предназначено иностранным студентам медицинских вузов. ...
Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology. Lecture Notes
АвторыArtamonova M.N., Potaturkina-Nesterova N.I., Ilyina N.A., Nemova I.S.
Год издания2021
The textbook consists of three units: Microbiology, Virology and Immunology, each of which includes the main topics of the curriculum in these disciplines. Each topic is presented with a chapter, including the main questions of the topic, answers to them, as well as self-check and clinical cases that help students to understand studied material and check up the knowledge gained. The material is illustrated with pictures, diagrams and tables.
The book is written in accordance with the program of teaching disciplines “Microbiology”, “Virology” and “Immunology” approved offi cially. Textbook “Medical Microbiology, Virology and Immunology. Lecture notes” is destined for students who study the disciplines “Microbiology, Virology” and “Immunology” in English in the medical universities of the Russian Federation. ...
АвторыI. V. Pavlushkov, L. V. Rozovsky, I. A. Narkyevich
Год издания2021
The textbook corresponds to the curriculum of the Mathematics discipline in pharmaceutical and medical higher educational institutions, based on the Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education of the Third Generation. The textbook presents a course of mathematics that includes basic elementary functions, differential calculus of functions of one variable, elements of differential calculus of multiple variable functions, integral calculus of one variable functions, differential equations of the first and second order, fundamentals of probability theory and mathematical statistics. In the textbook, there are detailed explanations of theoretical material and a large number of examples and issues fully explained. It is intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students of medical and pharmaceutical universities, doctors, pharmacists and individuals, who study mathematics and mathematical statistics by themselves. ...
Disaster Medicine = Медицина катастроф
АвторыИ. П. Левчук, А. П. Назаров, Ю. А. Назарова
Год издания2021
The textbook provides information on the most important issues of disaster medicine and the organization of medical support in emergency situations in the Russian Federation.
The textbook consists of 9 topics refl ecting the latest requirements in the fi eld of disaster medicine.
The material of the textbook is intended for foreign students of medical and pharmaceutical universities and their independent work; it can also be useful for teachers in preparing teaching materials. The bilingual nature of the textbook will make it easier for students to navigate in the material, especially in specifi c terminology of disaster medicine.
Учебник подготовлен в соответствии с требованиями федеральных государственных образовательных стандартов в области высшего образования в общей группе "Здоровье" по программе дисциплины "Безопасность жизнедеятельности. Медицина катастроф" и содержит сведения по важнейшим вопросам медицины катастроф и организации медицинской помощи в чрезвычайных ситуациях в Российской Федерации. Учебник состоит из девяти тем, отражающих новейшие требования в области медицины катастроф.
Материал учебника предназначен для обучения иностранных студентов медицинских и фармацевтических вузов и для самостоятельной работы, а также может быть полезен преподавателям для подготовки учебных материалов. Билингвальный характер издания позволит обучающимся легче ориентироваться в материале, особенно в специальной терминологии медицины катастроф. ...
Surgical diseases. Vol. 1.
АвторыN. V. Merzlikin, N. A. Brazhnikova, B. I. Alperovich, V. F. Tskhai
Год издания2021
The authors, a team of professors with 45 years of experience in teaching surgical diseases at the medical university, systematize and summarize a vast amount of information on the main sections of clinical surgery. They rely on the latest advances in Russian and foreign surgery and focus on the use of cutting-edge clinical and instrumental research techniques and operative treatment methods. A large number of photographs and radiographs focus the reader’s attention on essential features of the diseases under discussion.
This textbook is written in accordance with the current offi cial syllabus for the subject of Surgical Diseases for senior students of General Medicine departments. ...
Obstetrics and gynecology : Vol. 3
АвторыSidorova I.S., Nikitina N.A.
Год издания2021
Volume III of the basic university textbook on obstetrics and gynecology includes chapters describing surgeries directed to the preservation of pregnancy in cervical incompetence, assisted delivery, interventions in the placental and early postpartum period, minor obstetric surgeries. The main surgical methods for stopping obstetric hemorrhage as well as surgeries for pregnancy termination in the early and late gestational age are considered.
For students of the institutions of higher medical education, residents, postgraduate students, attendees of retraining courses, teachers, as well as general practitioners and obstetricians. ...
Life Safety in Medicine
АвторыLevchuk I.P.
Год издания2021
The course book highlights six principle topics of the module "First Aid" as a part of the subject "Health and Safety, Disaster Medicine" and contains key questions for each part as well as cases and provisional tests for the students' self-control. This book can be helpful for the students taught by means of e-educational systems (including distant learning). The course book is designed for the tertiary medical students taught in English as well as for the foreign students attending classes as a part of the Russian-speaking groups. It can be used as complementary reading by the clinical residents, graduate students, medical students, secondary medical schools students and medical-college students learning English. Учебное пособие освещает основные шесть тем модуля "Безопасность жизнедеятельности" дисциплины "Безопасность жизнедеятельности, медицина катастроф", а также содержит ключевые вопросы к каждому разделу, ситуационные задачи и примерные тесты для самостоятельной оценки студентами результатов своей подготовки. Данное пособие может быть использовано для обучения студентов посредством электронных образовательных систем, в том числе с применением дистанционных технологий. Предназначено студентам медицинских вузов, обучающимся на английском языке, а также студентам-иностранцам, обучающимся в составе русско язычных групп, может быть использовано в качестве дополнительной литературы ординаторами и аспирантами, студентами вузов, медицинских училищ и колледжей, изучающими английский язык. ...
Авторыed. Melnichenko P.I.
Год издания2021
The textbook represents the characteristics of the current status of the science, demonstrates the evolution of hygiene at various historical stages, and considers the problems of hygienic signifi cance, environment, and human ecology. Much attention is paid to health, algorithm of hygienic diagnostics which allows to detect changes in the human health status at the donozological (pre-pathological) level, as well as in the information on the administrative and legal forms of control over prophylactic arrangements and the health security system for each person.
The textbook is intended for students of medical higher educational institutions and university departments majoring in General Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. ...
Diagnostic radiology
АвторыTrufanov G.E., Akiev R.M., Alekseev K.N. [et al.]
Год издания2021
The textbook contains the basic principles of radiation diagnosis of injuries and diseases of human organs and systems, the characteristics of all methods of radiation diagnosis with a description of the physical principles of imaging. The radiation anatomy of human organs and systems, as well as the features of research, are described from the modern point of view.
The possibilities of radiation research methods in the diagnosis of diseases and injuries of various organs and systems are reviewed. The radiological semiotics of injuries and the most common diseases of the skeletal system, organs of the thoracic cavity, abdomen, pelvis, as well as the brain and spinal cord are described in detail. At the end of each section, the indications for the use of a particular method for examination of various organs and systems are represented accurately.
The textbook was composed in compliance with the modern requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education and is intended for the medical students of the departments “Radiation Diagnosis”, “Radiation Diagnosis and Radiation Therapy”, “Radiation Diagnosis (Radiology)”; may be useful in the implementation of the principal educational program of the postgraduate professional education in the training of highly qualifi ed specialists in the discipline 08.31.09 “Radiology”. ...
Analytical Chemistry. Analytics 1. General Theoretical Foundations. Qualitative Analysis
Авторыed. Grigorieva V.Yu.
Год издания2021
The textbook is prepared in accordance with the 3rd generation of federal state educational standard. The book outlines the general theoretical foundations of analytical chemistry and qualitative analysis. Heterogeneous, protolytic, and oxidation-reduction kinds of equilibrium, complexation processes, the use of organic reagents in analytical chemistry, separation and concentration approaches, extraction, some chromatographic methods, qualitative chemical analysis of cations and anions, the use of physical and physico-chemical methods in qualitative analysis are discussed. The methods of analytical reactions of cations and anions, their identification by infrared absorption spectra are characterized. Examples and exercises are provided.
The textbook is intended for university students of pharmacy, chemistry, and other disciplines that include a course of analytical chemistry. ...
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