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Медицина (ВО) ГЭОТАР-Медиа. Books in English

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Chemistry: Medical aspects : tutorial guide

Год издания2022
The manual is written for English-speaking foreign students of General Medicine, Pediatric, Dental, and Preventive Medicine departments and devised according to FSES Higher Professional Education requirements for “Chemistry” discipline. Each chapter contains theoretical part, control questions, detailed solution of typical problem tasks, exercises for self-work of students, test and key words with translation into Russian. The most important feature of this book is an emphasis on medical aspects of studied phenomena. Situational tasks, exercises and tests, necessary for the complete understanding of chemistry, have medical and biological directivity and help to formation of medical students competences. ...
Downloaded 2022-06-09

Medical Microbiology, Virology, Immunology : textbook. Vol. 1

АвторыZverev V.V., Boichenko M.N.
Год издания2022
This publication has been prepared by staff members of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology Departments of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Pavlov First Saint Petersburg State Medical University, S.M. Kirov Military Medical Academy, State Medical Universities of Omsk, Orenburg, Chelyabinsk.

The textbook is comprised of two volumes, which include 19 chapters, sequentially introducing the issues of general and special microbiology, virology, and immunology. The material presented in both volumes is significantly revised according to the modern science trends and supplemented by illustrations, tables and figures. The textbook is composed in compliance with the approved off icial educational program, and is recommended for the students of the departments of General Medicine, Pediatrics and Preventice Medicine.
Downloaded 2022-05-20

Biochemistry with exercises and tasks

Авторыed. by Glukhov А.I., Garin V.V.
Год издания2022
The textbook written by the professors of the Biological Chemistry Department of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University) approaches сomplicated modern scientific data about a molecular basis of the functioning of the organism in an intelligible form. This edition contains illustrative material, test tasks and situational problems in each of 14 sections. All the problems proposed for the individual solution have "guiding" questions that help students to solve them. Most of these tasks are based on the questions covered in the special course "Biochemistry of connective tissue. Biochemistry of mixed saliva".

The textbook is intended for medical students who specialize in Dentistry, and can be also used for studying biochemistry by the students of other specialties.
Downloaded 2022-05-20


АвторыRakhim M. Khaitov
Год издания2022
The textbook provides essential information on all aspects of structure and functions of the immune system under normal and pathological conditions. The knowledge about innate immunity and the mechanisms of adaptive immunity formation is presented at the organismal, cellular, and molecular levels. Information is provided about the immune cell populations, the structure of immune receptors, the intracellular signaling pathways, major histocompatibility complex (MHC), immunity genetic control, and immunological memory. The immune deficiencies, allergic and autoimmune diseases are reviewed. An overview of clinical use of immunotropic drugs is presented. The textbook is recommended for medical students. ...
Downloaded 2022-04-29

Internal Diseases. Volume II

Авторыedited by A. I. Martynov, Z. D. Kobalava, S. V. Moiseev
Год издания2022

Presented by the team of leading Russian experts in various branches of internal medicine under Academician Anatoly Martynov, this edition of the textbook contains most current information on basic therapeutic diseases. The book provides updated information on etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of internal organs diseases. Traditional presentation of the material is based on actual recommendations of professional medical communities and most recent scientific findings.

The edition corresponds to the academic program on such disciplines as Intermediate Level Therapy and Hospital Therapy and is intended for senior students of medical schools, students specialized in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical and Preventive Care, Medical Biophysics, Medical Biochemistry and for clinical residents specialized in Therapy.

Downloaded 2022-04-19

Internal Diseases. Volume I

Авторыedited by A. I. Martynov, Z. D. Kobalava, S. V. Moiseev
Год издания2022

Presented by the team of leading Russian experts in various branches of internal medicine under Academician Anatoly Martynov, this edition of the textbook contains most current information on basic therapeutic diseases. The book provides updated information on etiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of internal organs diseases. Traditional presentation of the material is based on actual recommendations of professional medical communities and most recent scientific findings.

The edition corresponds to the academic program on such disciplines as Intermediate Level Therapy and Hospital Therapy and is intended for senior students of medical schools, students specialized in General Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical and Preventive Care, Medical Biophysics, Medical Biochemistry and for clinical residents specialized in Therapy.

Downloaded 2022-04-19

Physical therapy

АвторыEpifanov V.А., Epifanov A.V.
Год издания2022
This tutorial guide was prepared by lead experts in the field of physical therapy in accordance with the new program for students (trainees) of medical universities (Medical Rehabilitation, section Therapeutic Physical Culture). It takes into account modern achievements of medical science, which have led to a change in views on the methodology of rehabilitation treatment. Clinical and physiological substantiation of the use of therapeutic physical culture in complex therapy of patients and persons with disabilities is presented in sufficient details. The book is based on the modern principles of prescribing various means of physical therapy using motor mode, massage, manual and psychotherapy, occupational therapy, hippotherapy, kinesiotherapy, etc. The methods that are most widely used in various diseases and injuries of the central and peripheral nervous, cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems, respiratory organs, metabolism, and other metabolic diseases are widely covered and presented in the rehabilitation programs. Each chapter includes clinical symptoms and diagnosis of the underlying disease (damage), which enables to customize the rehabilitation programs.

The tutorial guide is perfectly illustrated, contains a large number of diagrams and tables, some sections provide complexes or a list of special physical exercises.

The edition is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialties of General Medicine and Pediatrics in the discipline of Medical Rehabilitation, trainees of postgraduate education departments, interns, clinical residents, graduate students, and will also be useful for specialists working in practical healthcare.
Downloaded 2022-01-25

Bioethics. Philosophy of preservation of life and preservation of health

АвторыYu. M. Khrustalev
Год издания2022
The textbook represents a modular presentation of ethics, bioethics and biomedical ethics. Its goal is a philosophical interpretation of novel ethical problems in modern health care as a special kind of theory and practice of treatment and prevention of diseases that doctors, pharmacists, nurses and other healthcare workers in the course of their professional activity.

In the textbook bioethics is presented as a new moral thinking and worldview of specialists, which should become the essence and meaning of their creative activity. Historical and ethical material is organically combined with modern philosophical understanding of moral problems arising in the fi eld of protecting life and preserving people’s health, as well as in the intellectual and moral development of a medical specialist.

The key problems of bioethics are set out in accordance with the programs and work plans of classes on the course of bioethics adopted in most medical universities of the country. The innovative content of the textbook makes it useful for students of humanities universities and colleges, as well as for those who are interested in the problems of the evolution of ethics.
Downloaded 2022-01-14

Guide to Medical Informatics for Foreign Students

Год издания2022

The tutorial guide consists of theoretical principles on informatics, medical informatics, statistics and guidelines for learning this sections. Huge part of case problems with solution and participant activities are given as well.

The guide will be useful for Dentistry specialty 31.05.03 and General Medicine specialty 31.05.01 students, interns, doctoral students learning «Informatics, medical Informatics» and «IT technologies and e-health» disciplines. Students who study English language can also be interested in this paper. This edition was created according to FSES of HE.

Downloaded 2022-07-07

Organic chemistry

АвторыTyukavkin N.A.
Год издания2022
The textbook conforms to the requirements for training enhancement through the use of innovative technologies, competence-based learning in particular.

The factors systematizing the content are issues of electronic structure of the carbon atom and organogens, chemical bonds, mutual influence of atoms within a molecule, conjugation and aromaticity, mechanisms of the most important types of reactions, and stereochemical repres entations. Much attention is paid to application of physicochemical methods of analysis. The authors have extended the section on the role of stereochemical structure in the manifestation of pharmacological activities of organic compounds. The authors present a set of newly introduced rules of the international systematic chemical nomenclature, which is especially important in the pharmaceutical industry, where medicinal products are mostly in the form of organic compounds.

The textbook is written at a high scientific and methodological level, containing extensive re ference material, well-structured and supported by original illustrative material.

The textbook is intended to students, specializing in Pharmacy. It may also be useful for students trained in the fields of chemistry, medical biochemistry, medical biophysics, and biotechnologies.
Downloaded 2021-12-23

Pediatric diseases : textbook

Авторыed. by R. R. Kildiyarova
Год издания2022
The textbook refl ects the current level of knowledge on the most common childhood diseases.

The book clearly and easy-to-follow sets out all sections of pediatrics: history of pediatrics, propedeutics of childhood diseases, neonatology and pathology of early childhood, allergology and pulmonology, cardiology and rheumatology, gastroenterology and hepatology, nephrology, hematology and immunology, endocrinology, children infectious diseases, as well as emergency pediatrics.

The textbook is written in accordance with the program of the discipline “Pediatrics”, it is distinguished by systematization, clarity, the possibility of independent study of the material and further self-control.

Designed for students studying in educational institutions of higher and secondary medical education, as well as students of additional professional education.
Downloaded 2021-12-07

Избранные лекции по нормальной физиологии = La physiologie normale. Les cours : учебное пособие на русском и французском языках

АвторыМ. М. Лапкин, Е. А. Трутнева
Год издания2022
Данные лекции подготовлены в соответствии с государственным образовательным стандартом высшего профессионального образования по специальности 31.05.01 "Лечебное дело" по основным разделам дисциплины "Нормальная физиология", изучаемой на втором курсе медицинских вузов.

В лекциях освещены современные представления о физиологии - начиная с функционирования отдельных клеток и заканчивая работой организма в целом.

Ces cours ont йtй prйparйes conformйment au standard d'instruction d'Etat de l'enseignement supйrieur professionnel de la spйcialitй 31.05.01 - l'art mйdical selon les divisions principales de la discipline "La physiologie normale", йtudiйes а la deuxiиme annйe des йtablissements mйdicaux d'enseignement supйrieur.

Dans les cours les idйes modernes sur les fonctions de l'organisme, se rйalisant а ses diffйrents niveaux sont prйsentйes: de la cellule а l'organisme entier.
Downloaded 2022-01-14

Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part II

АвторыEdited by S. S. Dydykin
Год издания2022
This workbook on the subject "Topographic anatomy and operative surgery" was prepared by the staff of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Sechenov University following the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in specialties "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics".

In the workbook topics are grouped by the discipline sections. Its first part contains areas devoted to the subject of topographic anatomy and operative surgery of the upper and lower extremities, head and neck. The second part includes the abdomen, pelvis and chest.

This workbook is intended for students of general medicine and pediatrics departments of medical universities.

The factual material underlying the workbook is contained in the textbooks "Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy" edited by V.V. Kovanov (1995, 2001), "Topographic anatomy and operative surgery" by A.V. Nikolaev (2007, 2009, 2015).
Downloaded 2021-11-16

Topographic Anatomy and Operative Surgery. Workbook. In 2 parts. Part I

АвторыEdited by S. S. Dydykin
Год издания2022
This workbook on the subject "Topographic anatomy and operative surgery" was prepared by the staff of the department of operative surgery and topographic anatomy of the Sechenov University following the requirements of the federal state educational standard of higher professional education in specialties "General Medicine" and "Pediatrics".

In the workbook topics are grouped by the discipline sections. Its first part contains areas devoted to the subject of topographic anatomy and operative surgery of the upper and lower extremities, head and neck. The second part includes the abdomen, pelvis and chest.

This workbook is intended for students of general medicine and pediatrics departments of medical universities.

The factual material underlying the workbook is contained in the textbooks "Operative Surgery and Topographic Anatomy" edited by V.V. Kovanov (1995, 2001), "Topographic anatomy and operative surgery" by A.V. Nikolaev (2007, 2009, 2015).
Downloaded 2021-11-16

Topographic and clinical anatomy of the human body: the teaching aid for foreign students

АвторыI. I. Kagan, S. N. Lyashchenko, A. O. Mironchev
Год издания2022
Th is teaching aid is the additional source of information on topographical anatomy of regions of the human body and clinical anatomy of inner organs to the main textbook. Its English version is intended for students who take a training course in foreign faculty of the university.

Th e teaching aid is illustrated by pictures, which are located on opening pages. On each such opening page, to the right on the odd page, there is the description of region or organ, and to the left on the even page, there is its location according to the anatomic region or organ picture. Such disposition makes the presentation of educational material more visual and makes the learning process easier.
Downloaded 2021-11-02

Medical rehabilitation : textbook

АвторыEpifanov A.V., Achkasov E.E., Epifanov V.A.
Год издания2022
The textbook addresses the issues of rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, central and peripheral nervous systems, digestive system, with di seases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system, metabolic disturbances, infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, as well as the issues of application of rehabilitation technologies in obstetrics and gynecology. Regulatory environment, clinical medical substantiation of using the methods and facilities of medical rehabilitation are represented in this textbook, as well as basics of medical and social rehabilitation of the physically impaired. Specific features of medical supervision and nutritional support in medical rehabilitation are disclosed. Composition of rehabilitation programs is described in view of the administration of the motive regimen, remedial gymnastics, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, reflexotherapy, psychotherapy, and sensible nutrition.

The studied material is easier to assimilate through practicing the questions for selfcheck, test cases, and situational tasks represented in each chapter.

The textbook is intended for students of medical educational institutions of the higher education majoring in the specialities of General Medicine and Pediatrics in the discipline of Medical Rehabilitation; it may be useful for resident physicians, specialists in the sphere of medical rehabilitation and associated trades.
Downloaded 2021-12-06
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