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Great Вritain history and culture (История и культура Великобритании)
Part II. The History of Britain
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Table of contents
Introduction: General Recommendations
Course Tasks and Questions
Part I. Geography and Economy of Britain
Part II. The History of Britain
Topic 3. The Early History of the British Isles up to 1066. The Celts, the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons, the Vikings
Topic 4. The Norman Conquest, the Middle Ages and the Plantagenet Dynasty (1066-1399)
Topic 5. From the 100 Years’ War and the War of the Roses to the Tudor Dynasty (1400-1603)
Topic 6. The Stuart Dynasty in the Revolutionary 17th Century: Absolute Monarchy Against Parliamentarism, and Republicanism (1601-1707)
Topic 7. The British Empire in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The Hanoverian Dynasty (1707-1901)
Topic 8. Britain in the 20th-21st Centuries: Participation in World Wars I, II, The Commonwealth of Nations, and European Union Experience
Conclusion: Britain’s Cultural Outline. Literature, Music, Art, and Social Life in Britain
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