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Хижина дяди Тома
XXIX. The Unprotected
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Table of contents
I. In Which the Reader Is Introduced to a Man of Humanity
II. The Mother
III. The Husband and Father
IV. An Evening in Uncle Tom’s Cabin
V. Showing the Feelings of Living Property on Changing Owners
VI. Discovery
VII. The Mother’s Struggle
VIII. Eliza’s Escape
IX. In Which It Appears that a Senator Is but a Man
X. The Property Is Carried Off
XI. In Which Property Gets into an Improper State of Mind
XII. Select Incident of Lawful Trade
XIII. The Quaker1 Settlement
XIV. Evangeline
XV. Of Tom’s New Master, and Various Other Matters
XVI. Tom’s Mistress and Her Opinions
XVII. The Freeman’s Defence
XVIII. Miss Ophelia’s Experiences and Opinions
XIX. Miss Ophelia’s Experiences and Opinions, Continued
XX. Topsy
XXI. Kentuck
XXII. “The Grass Withereth - The Flower Fadeth”
XXIII. Henrique
XXIV. Foreshadowings
XXV. The Little Evangelist
XXVI. Death
XXVII. “This is the Last of Earth.”
XXVIII. Reunion
XXIX. The Unprotected
XXX. The Slave Warehouse
XXXI. The Middle Passage
XXXII. Dark Places
XXXIV. The Quadroon’s Story
XXXV. The Tokens
XXXVI. Emmeline and Cassy
XXXVII. Liberty
XXXVIII. The Victory
XXXIX. The Stratagem
XL. The Martyr
XLI. The Young Master
XLII. An Authentic Ghost Story
XLIII. Results
XLIV. The Liberator
XLV. Concluding Remarks
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