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Путешествие в Страну Оз : книга для чтения на английском языке
6. The City of Beasts
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Table of contents
To My Readers
1. The Way to Butterfi eld
2. Dorothy Meets Button-Bright
3. A Queer Village
4. King Dox
5. The Rainbow’s Daughter
6. The City of Beasts
7. The Shaggy Man’s Transformation
8. The Musicker
9. Facing the Scoodlers
10. Escaping the Soup-Kettle
11. Johnny Dooit Does It
12. The Deadly Desert Crossed
13. The Truth Pond
14. Tik-Tok and Billina
15. The Emperor’s Tin Castle
16. Visiting the Pumpkin-Field
17. The Royal Chariot Arrives
18. The Emerald City
19. The Shaggy Man’s Welcome
20. Princess Ozma of Oz
21. Dorothy Receives the Guests
22. Important Arrivals
23. The Grand Banquet
24. The Birthday Celebration
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