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Деловое общение в тестах и интервью. Business-related topics in tests and interviews
Part 2. Business-related Interviews
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Table of contents
Part 1. Business-related Tests
Part 2. Business-related Interviews
Interview 1. Business organizations
Interview 2. Direct selling
Interview 3. It took a lady to save Avon
Interview 4. Seizing an overlooked opportunity
Interview 5. Turning one’s life around
Interview 6. The founder of a retail empire
Interview 7. The media tycoon: Rupert Murdoch
Interview 8. Basics of risk management
Interview 9. Corporate security
Interview 10. The job interview at Easy Solutions
Interview 11. Tips for kids in search of work
Interview 12. Re-entry can be tough for women
Interview 13. The changing world of work
Interview 14. Getting over downsizing
Interview 15. Russian businessmen learn Western management style
Interview 16. All the office is a stage
Interview 17. An alternative to redundancies
Interview 18. Flexible working hours
Interview 19. Part-time work
Interview 20. Best remedy for absenteeism
Interview 21. Turnaround at Benedict Products
Interview 22. The ethical code of advertising
Interview 23. In-flight and after-flight service
Interview 24. Multinational companies and national interests
Interview 25. Corporate social responsibility
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