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Английский язык профессионального общения (Реклама)
UNIT 2. Marketing - and the Place of Advertising within It
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Table of contents
UNIT 1. Advertising
UNIT 2. Marketing - and the Place of Advertising within It
UNIT 3. The Role of Integrated Marketing Communications in the Marketing Process
UNIT 4. Organising for Advertising and Promotion: The Role of Marketing Communication Organisations
UNIT 5. Brands
UNIT 6. Perspectives on Consumer Behaviour
UNIT 7. The Communication Process
UNIT 8. Source, Message and Channel Factors
UNIT 9. Establishing Objectives for the Promotional Programme
UNIT 10. The Importance of Creativity in Advertising
UNIT 11. Creative Strategy: Implementation and Evaluation
UNIT 12. Media Planning and Strategy
UNIT 13. Advantages of Television
UNIT 14. Evaluation of Print Media
UNIT 15. Support Media
UNIT 16. Direct Marketing
UNIT 17. The Internet and Interactive Media
UNIT 18. The Scope and Role of Sales Promotion
UNIT 19. Public Relations, Publicity and Corporate Advertising
UNIT 20. Personal Selling
Glossary of Advertisers’ Professional Jargon
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