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Russian Grammar in Tables = Русская грамматика в таблицах
Formation of degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives and adverbs of manner
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Table of contents
The gender of nouns
Nouns in -Ь
The uses of cases
The declension of nouns
Mobile vowels in nouns
Formation of nouns in the plural
Special cases of formation of nouns in the plural
Nouns with the singular or plural form only
The use of prepositions В and НА in the Prepositional expressing place
Where? Where to? Where from?
Generic endings of adjectives
The declension of adjectives
The declension of nouns and adjectives (summary table)
The algorithm of choice of case
The declension of nouns, adjectives and possessive pronouns
Personal pronouns
Possessive pronouns
The declension of pronouns
Formation of interrogative, negative and indefinite pronouns
Indefinite pronouns and adverbs
Negative pronouns and adverbs with the particle НИ- intensifying the negative constructions
Negative pronouns and adverbs with the particle НЕ-
Numerals: cardinal, ordinal, collective, fractions, decimals
The declension of numerals
Formation of degrees of comparison of qualitative adjectives and adverbs of manner
Special cases of formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs
Complete and Short-form adjectives
Formation of short-form of qualitative adjectives and passive participles
Special cases of formation of short-form of adjectives
Verb forms
The conjugation of verbs
Consonant interchange in verb stems in the present tense
Special cases of verb conjugation and past tense formation (irregular verbs)
Aspects of the verb
Formation of the imperative
Verbs of motion
Verbs with the particle -СЯ
The participle
The verbal adverb
Passive constructions
Indefinite Personal constructions
Constructions of time (when?)
Direct and Indirect speech
Sentences with conjunctions
The main meanings of prepositions
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