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The theoretical and practical significance of knowledge on the main issues of microbiology, virology and immunology determines the need to improve the quality of teaching these subjects at a medical university. The adapted English-language textbook «Microbiology, Virology, Immunology» contains up-to-date information necessary for mastering the disciplines «Microbio­logy, Virology» and «Immunology». The result of mastering the disciplines is the formation of the sum of knowledge, skills and abilities within the framework of the competencies necessary for the implementation of a doctor’s professional activity: GPC-5 (ability to assess morphofunctional, physiological states and pathological processes in the human body to solve professional tasks), PC-3 (ability and willingness to perform a complete clinical examination of the patient, analysis and interpretation received data), UC-1 (ability to carry out a critical analysis of problem situations based on a systematic approach, develop a strategy of action).

The textbook «Microbiology, virology, immunology» is compiled in accordance with the approved basic professional educational program of higher education «Medical business» and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of higher education in the specialty 31.05.01 «General Medicine», order No. 988 of 12.08.2020.

The textbook includes four sections: General microbiology, Special microbiology, Virology and Immunology. The chapter «General microbiology» contains information about the morphology and physiology of microorganisms, their interaction with the environment, as well as the main patterns of the infectious process. The textbook focuses on the importance of laboratory diagnostics in the practice of infectious diseases and pays special attention to the principles and methods of laboratory diagnostics. The chapter «Special microbiology» contains materials on etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnostics, specific prevention and therapy of major infectious and microbial-inflammatory human diseases. The chapter «Virology» contains information about the features of viruses and the infectious process caused by them, as well as microbiological parameters of the main viral infections. The final chapter of the textbook «Immuno­logy» is devoted to the structure and functioning of the immune system of the human body in normal and pathological conditions. Special attention is paid to the use of immunological reactions in the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases.

The textbook was prepared by a team of authors with many years of experience working with foreign students, and adapted for teaching the disciplines of «Microbiology, Virology» and «Immunology» for foreign students studying on the specialty 31.05.01 «General Medicine».

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