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Examples of tests

Single and multiple-choice questions.

«Biology of the cell»

1. Cells were discovered by:

a) M. Schleiden;

b) R. Hooke;

c) T. Schwann;

d) R. Virchow.

2. Attributed to noncellular life forms are:

a) Virus;

b) Bacteria;

c) Plants;

d) Animals.

3. Prokaryotes are:

a) Animals;

b) Viruses;

c) Bacteria;

d) Mushrooms.

4. Eukaryote are:

a) Animals;

b) Viruses;

c) Archaea;

d) Bacteria.

5. Cellular wall of bacteria consists of:

a) Murein;

b) Celluloses;

c) Chitin;

d) Glycogen.

6. Genetic material of prokaryote is presented:

a) Nucleus;

b) Nucleolus;

c) Nucleoid;

d) Lisosoma.

7. Two-membrane organelles:

a) Mitochondria;

b) Endoplasmic reticulum;

c) Golgi bodies;

d) Lysosomes;

e) Plastids;

f) Ribosomes;

g) Centrosome.

8. The functions of the rough ER are:

a) Protein synthesis;

b) Production of lysosomes;

c) Destruction of defective organelles;

d) Photosynthesis;

e) ATP synthesis.

9. Organelles containing dna:

a) Mitochondria;

b) Endoplasmic reticulum;

c) Golgi bodies;

d) Lysosomes;

e) Ribosomes;

f) Plastids;

g) Centrosome.

10. Two subunits have:

a) Microfilaments;

b) Flagella;

c) Endoplasmic reticulum;

d) Golgi bodies;

e) Ribosomes;

f) Centrosome.

11. Choose the cytoplasmic inclusions:

a) Calcium oxalate crystals;

b) Centrioles;

c) Grain starch;

d) Pigments;

e) Ribosomes;

f) Microfilaments.

12. Which organelles have cristae:

a) Chloroplasts;

b) Mitochondria;

c) Endoplasmic reticulum;

d) Lysosomes;

e) Centrosome.

13. Which organelles participate in cell division:

a) Golgi bodies;

b) Centrioles;

c) Chloroplasts;

d) Ribosomes;

e) Vacuoles.

14. Endocytosis is an example of:

a) Passive transport, substances are moved into the cell;

b) Active transport, substances are moved out of the cell;

c) Passive transport, substances are moved out of the cell.

15. The active transport:

a) Requires ATP;

b) Does not require ATP;

c) Uses carrier molecules;

d) Facilitated transport uses carrier molecules.

16. Fluid-mosaic model l of the plasma membrane discovery:

a) Singer and Nicolson;

b) Schwann and Schleiden;

c) Watson and Francis Crick;

d) Hooke and Leeuwenhoek.

17. Which of the following describes the fluid-mosaic model of the plasma membrane structure?

a) Phospholipid monolayer with embedded proteins;

b) Phospholipid bilayer with embedded proteins;

c) Phospholipid trilayer with embedded proteins;

d) Triglyceride bilayer with embedded proteins;

e) Triglyceride monolayer with embedded proteins.

18. Examples of active transport:

a) Diffusion;

b) Osmosis;

c) Sodium-potassium pump;

d) Phagocytosis.

19. Which type of solution will cause cells to swell or even burst:

a) Isotonic solution;

b) Hypotonic solution;

c) Hypertonic solution;

d) Physiological solution.

20. Which of the following solutions is isotonic to red blood cells?

a) 0.5% NaCl;

b) 0.9% NaCl;

c) 1.5% NaCl;

d) 2.5% NaCl;

e) 5.5% NaCl.

21. Which term best describes the condition of plant cells when placed in a hypertonic solution?

a) Haemolysis;

b) Plasmolysis;

c) Crenation;

d) Turgor pressure;

e) Osmotic pressure.

22. Basic components of the cell nucleus:

a) Nuclear envelope;

b) Nucleoplasm;

c) Ribosome;

d) Nucleoid;

e) Nucleolus;

f) Cytoplasm;

g) Chromatin.

23. The substance of a cell nucleus, consisting of strands of dna, rna, and various proteins, that forms chromosomes during cell division:

a) Nucleus;

b) Chromatin;

c) Nuclear pore;

d) Cytoplasm.

24. Monomer in dna:

a) Nucleotide;

b) Nucleoid;

c) Nucleosome;

d) Nucleic acids;

e) Amino acid.

25. Normal humans have______pairs of autosomes and_________pair(s) of sex chromosomes:

a) 23 and 23;

b) 23 and 2;

c) 46 and 1;

d) 22 and 1.

26. The enzymes responsible for adding nucleotides to the exposed dna template bases are:

a) Replicases;

b) DNA polymerases;

c) Helicases;

d) None of the above.

27. A type of chromosome that shows the abnormal karyotype:

a) Metacentric;

b) Acrocentric;

c) Submetacentric;

d) Telocentric.

28. Less condensed and capable of gene transcription — most chromosomal regions in non-dividing cells:

a) Chromosome;

b) Chromonema;

c) Heterochromatin;

d) Euchromatin.

29. 30% G = ___% T:

a) 20;

b) 29;

c) 33;

d) 48;

e) 65.

30. Help protect dna sequences from being damage:

a) Centromere;

b) Kinetochore;

c) Telomere;

d) Short arm;

e) Microtubules.

31. A chromatid is:

a) One of the strands or arms of a chromosome;

b) The point of attachment of two strands of a chromosome;

c) A chromosome before it becomes visible during cell division.

32. Which one is the correct sequence of the cell cycle?

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