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Part I. Theoretical foundations of biology
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Table of contents
Part I. Theoretical foundations of biology
Chapter 1. Biology as a science about nature. Man is at the center of modern biology and medicine. Life and its properties. Levels of life organization
Chapter 2. The structure of eukaryotic cells
Chapter 3. Hereditary apparatus of eukaryotic cells
Chapter 4. Life cycle of cells. Mitotic cycle. Regulation of the mitotic cycle. The concept of apoptosis
Chapter 5. Implementation of genetic information: transcription, translation
Chapter 6. Genetics. What is genetics? Why we resemble our parents?
Chapter 7. Immunogenetics and forms of interaction of non-allelic genes
Chapter 8. Variability as the cause of hereditary diseases in humans
Chapter 9. Genetics: methods of studying heredity in humans
Chapter 10. Introduction to medical parasitology
Chapter 11. Protozoa
Chapter 12. Biological factors influencing a person
Chapter 13. Biological factors influencing a person. Тapeworms
Chapter 14. Biological factors influencing a person. Roundworms. Phylum nemathelminthes
Chapter 15. Medical arachnoentomology
Chapter 16. Teaching about ecosystems
Part II. Practical course of biology
Review questions
Examples of tests
Test answers
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