While studying this topic you will:
- get information about the adjectives of the third declension;
- get acquainted with the grammatical form of the adjectives of the third declension;
- learn how to write prescriptions and write out the terms with the adjectives of third declension.
The lesson is divided into several sections:
- grammatical categories of adjectives. The adjectives of the third declensions;
- algorithm of adjectives and nouns combinations.
Adjectives of the IInd group are inclined as nouns of the 3rd declension vowel type. Depending on the gender endings in dictionary form, they are divided into 3 subgroups.
All the adjectives of the 2nd group decline on vowel type of the 3rd declension have the following endings.
Examples of the 1st group adjectives declension
Casus | Singularis | Pluralis |
Nom | m- er, f- is, n- e; m, f, n- x, s | m, f- es; n- ia |
Gen | is | ium |
Dat | i | ibus |
Acc | m, f- em; n- e | m, f- es; n- ia |
Abl | i | ibus |
NB! All the adjectives of the 3rd declension in the Genitive singular. number ending "-is".
- Nom. Sing. flos silvester.
Gen. Sing. floris silvestris.
- Nom. Sing. Sirupus simplex.
Nom. Sing. Sirupi simplicis.
- Nom. Sing. Elixir pectorale.
Gen. Sing. Elixiris pectoralis.
NB! Present participle in Active voice is inclined in the same way as adjectives of the 2nd group.
Example: recens, ntis — recent — свежий
expectorans, ntis — expectorative — отхаркивающий
- Nom. Sing. sirupus recens.
Gen. Sing. sirupi recentis.
- Nom. Sing. mixtura expectorans.
Gen. Sing. mixturae expectorantis.
NB! A noun + an adjective have the same case, gender and number but sometimes the declension may vary depending on the type of the noun. It is the noun that indicates these three categories — the gender, number and case; the adjective conforms to the noun and follows the noun.
Example of the 1st group adjectives paradigm together with an adjective
Basic lexis
- paluster, palustris, palustre — palustrine — болотный.
- silvester, silvestris, silvestre — forest — лесной.
- medicinalis, e — medicinal — медицинский.
- officinalis, e — officinalis — аптечный, лекарственный.
- vaginalis, e — vaginal — вагинальный, влагалищный.
- vernalis, e — spring — весенний.
- aequalis, e — equal — равный.
- letalis, e — lethal — смертельный, летальный.
- vulgaris, e — usual — обыкновенный.
- communis, e — common — общий, обыкновенный.
- intramuscularis, e — intramuscular — внутримышечный.
- naturalis, e — natural — натуральный, естественный.
- nasalis, e — nose — носовой, назальный.
- talis, e — such — такой.
- pectoralis, e — pectoral — грудной.
- rectalis, e — rectal — ректальный.
- simplex, icis — simple — простой.
- sublingualis, e — sublingual — подъязычный сублингвальный.
- intestinalis, e — intestinal — кишечный.
- solubilis, e — soluble — растворимый.
- enterosolubilis, e — enterosoluble — кишечнорастворимый.
- chinensis, e — chinese — китайский.
- arvensis, e — field — полевой.
- fortis, e — severe — сильный (action).
- localis, e — local — местный.
- dentalis, e — dental — зубной.
- subbuccalis, e — buccal — защечный.
- ad usum sublingualem — for sublingual use — для подъязычного применения.
- membranae dentales — dental membranes — зубные пленки.
- Viride nitens — brilliant green (Gen. Sing. Viridis nitentis) — бриллиантовый зеленый.
- volatilis, e — volatile — летучий.