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Unit III. Body systems: the cardiovascular system


Task 1.

The picture* shows seven parts ofthe human heart. Can you name them?

* Nucleus medical media 7-part Heart - Anatomical Model Task 2.

Match each term on the left (1-8) with its definition on the right (a-h):

1) - _g_2) - _; 3) - _; 4) - _; 5) - _; 6) - _; 7) - _; 8) - _.

Task 3.

A. Read and translate the following international words: action, alcohol, artery, caffeine, circulation, control, defect, electrical, form, harmony, membrane, organism, pathogenic, problem, rhythm, shock, start, structure, toxic, vein.

B. Match the words on the left (1-7) with their synonyms on the right (a-g):

1) - _g_; 2) - _; 3) - _; 4) - _; 5) - _; 6) - _; 7) - _.

C. Find in a dictionary and write the plural forms for the following nouns:



D. Translate the given sentences:

1. The atria are the upper chambers of the heart.

2. The atria and ventricles beat in harmony.

3. Each atrium opens into the ventricle through a valve.

4. The left atrium of the heart receives blood from the pulmonary veins.

5. The heart consists of several structures: walls, septa, valves, a conducting system and a circulatory system.

6. The walls and septa are the muscular foundation for the four chambers.

7. Pathogenic bacteria enter the body by various routes.

8. Bacteria show a number of different shapes and forms.

9. Some bacteria secrete toxic proteins.

10. A bacterium is a microscopic organism. Most bacteria are unicellular.

Task 4. You are going to read a text about the human heart, which is the most important muscle in the body.

A. Read the following text quickly and choose the best heading for it:

1) The important muscle

2) A double pump

3) The structure of the heart

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