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Unit II. Body systems: the muscular system


Task 1.

A. Compose the sentence from the jumbled words given below.

Bones/ functions/ muscles/ life / and/ essential to/ together/ to perform/ work.



B. Do you know any quantitative characteristics of the human body?

Fill in the blank spaces by choosing the right answer. (If you do not know the answer, you may find information in the Internet.)

1. Muscles make up ... of the body weight in humans. a) 20% b) 30% c) 35-40%

2. There are over ... skeletal muscles in the human body. a) 450 b) 650 c) 850

3. The human body has ... litres of blood. a) 5 b) 7 c) 9

Task 2.

A. Fill in the table. Work with a dictionary and define what part of speech the given words are (in the dictionary notations "a", "n", "v" stand for adjective, noun, and verb, respectively).

B. Read the English words from the table.

C. Read and translate the following international words: automatically, chemical, electricity, energy, human, impulse, liter,

mechanical, microscopic, musculoskeletal, nerve, physiotherapy, progressive, protein, risk, signal.

Task 3. Translate the word combinations (n+n) given below: Example:

1) animal starch_

2) body movements_

3) body weight_

4) muscle fibers_

5) muscle contraction_

6) nerve impulses_

7) nerve signals_

8) organ systems_

Task 4. Grammar note I. / Грамматический комментарий

A. Study some Anglo-American Units of Measurement and their equivalents in the Metrical System.

B. Translate the sentences into Russian and change Anglo-American Units into Metrical Units.

1. The head weighs about 8.8 lb. (_)

2. The average adult body contains about 70 pints (_)

of water.

3. In the 1960s, paleontologists discovered a pair of giant arms

in Mongolia. The length of each was eight feet (_).

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Unit II. Body systems: the muscular system
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