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Alimentary factor — nutritional, related to nutrition and food.

Alternating — intermittent, rotatory.

Antagonist — acting in the contrary way.

Antibiotics [greek anti- (versus) + bios (life)] — substances of microbial, animal or plant origin that selectively suppress viability of microorganisms.

Antroduodenal acid-induced brake — a physiological mechanism that prevents penetration of a low pH bolus into the duodenum, which is provided by pyloric obstruction and absence of motility that moves the bolus.

Arrhythmia — a pathological condition, which includes heart rate abnormalities or its regularity with a sinus rhythm, non-sinus rhythm occurrence, disorder of impulse conduction.

Arterial hypertension — a syndrome of increased systolic blood pressure ≥140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pressure ≥90 mm Hg in hypertension and symptomatic AH.

Asthenia — a generalized weakness associated with increased fatigue and lassitude.

Atelectasis — airlessness of lung tissue caused by alveoli collapse in a li­mited area (segment, lobe) or in a whole lung.

Atopy — genetic predisposition to the synthesis of IgE-antibodies in response to low allergen doses.

Basal membrane — thin cell-free layer that separates connective tissue from epithelium or endothelium.

Bronchial hyperresponsiveness — respiratory tract condition that manifests in its hyperresponsiveness to various chemical, physical or pharmacological stimuli; it is a situation when bronchospasm develops in response to exposure, which causes no such reaction in most healthy individuals.

Bronchoconstriction — paroxysmal bronchial patency impairment triggered by various causes.

Bronchiectasis — irreversible pathological bronchi enlargement that occurs as a result of purulent-inflammatory destruction of the bronchial wall. It can either affect various pathological conditions, or be a manifestation of an independent specific disease — bronchiectasis.

Cardiac rehabilitation — a complex of measures that provide the best physical and mental condition, allowing patients to maintain or restore their place in society, social status and lead an active lifestyle.

Cardiovascular risk — likelihood of developing an adverse event in cardiovascular system (including death or complications of cardiovascular disease) over a certain period of time.

Complication of the disease — addition of a physiological disorder syndrome to the disease; disruption of organ continuity or damage to its wall; hemorrhage; developed acute or chronic failure of organ or system function.

Concomitant disease — a disease, which has no causal relationship with the background disease, is inferior to it by the necessity of medical care, impact on working capacity and threat to life and health, and is not a direct cause of death.

Condition — changes in the body, which occur due to the influence of pathogenic and (or) physiological factors and require medical care.

Contagiousness (latin: contagiosus — contagious, infectious; syn. transmissibility) — the ability of infectious diseases to be transmitted from sick people and animals to healthy ones.

Contamination (mixing, contact) — entry of another type or strain of micro­organisms into a certain medium that changes properties of this medium.

Cyanosis — cyanotic discoloration of skin and mucous membranes from grayish-blue to blue-black due to a high blood level of carboxyhemoglobin (HbCO2).

Defiguration — change in joint shape caused by periarticular tissues edema and (or) increased amount of synovial fluid.

Densitometry — diagnostic method used to determine the bone tissue density.

Disease — an impairment of patient’s activity, working capacity, ability to adapt to external and internal environmental changes that occurs due to influence of pathogenic factors along with a change in protective-compensatory and protective-adaptive reactions and mechanisms of the body.

Differential diagnosis is a diagnostic method that excludes diseases with similar symptoms not suitable in terms of some facts, which should ultimately reduce the diagnosis to the only probable disease.

Dumping syndrome — accelerated movement of gastric content into the intestine without proper digestion.

Empirical antibacterial therapy — administration of antibacterial drugs before information is obtained about the pathogen and its sensitivity to these drugs.

Eradication — destruction.

Evidence-based medicine — appropriate, consistent and meaningful use of the best modern evidence (results of clinical trials) in combination with individual clinical experience and in accordance with patient’s values and pre­ferences in the decision-making process regarding the patient’s medical status and treatment.

Fever — a non-specific protective and adaptive reaction of the body, which occurs in response to pathogenic stimuli, with recombination of thermoregulation processes that lead to an increase in body temperature.

Fixed dose combination — a combination of two or more different classes of drugs in one tablet.

Functional class — patient’s ability to be active, perform a physical action.

Genetically determined — genetically dependent, inherited.

Glomerular filtration rate — main indicator of kidney function — volume of ultrafiltrate or primary urine formed in the kidneys per unit time.

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