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Clinical genetics
Chapter 5. Chromosomal disorders
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Table of contents
List of symbols and abbreviations
Chapter 1. Introduction to clinical genetics
Chapter 2. Heredity and pathology
Chapter 3. Semiotics and clinical diagnostics of inherited diseases
Chapter 4. Genetic diseases
Chapter 5. Chromosomal disorders
General issues
Etiology and classification
Effects of chromosomal abnormalities in ontogenesis
Congenital malformations
Effects of chromosomal abnormalities in somatic cells
Clinical and cytogenetic characteristics of the most common chromosomal disorders
Down syndrome
Patau syndrome (trisomy 13)
Edwards syndrome (trisomy 18)
Trisomy 8
Sex chromosome polysomies
Triple-X syndrome (47, XXX)
Klinefelter syndrome
Y-chromosome disomy syndrome (47,XYY)
Turner syndrome (45,X)
Partial aneuploidy syndromes
“Cat’s cry” syndrome
Wolf–Hirschhorn syndrome (partial monosomy 4p–)
Partial trisomy of the short arm of chromosome 9 (9p+)
Syndromes caused by microstructural chromosomal aberrations
Increased risk factors for congenital chromosomal disorders
Keywords and concepts
Recommended bibliography
Chapter 6. Diseases with hereditary predisposition
Chapter 7. Ecological genetics
Chapter 8. Pharmacogenetics
Chapter 9. Laboratory diagnostic methods
Chapter 10. Guidelines for treatment of hereditary diseases
Chapter 11. Prevention of hereditary pathology
Chapter 12. Ethical issues in medical genetics
Test questions
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