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7. References

● Greenberger N.J., Hinthorn D.R. History Taking and Physical Examination. Boston: Mosby-Yeаr Book, 1993. 548 p.

● Terminologia anatomica. International Anatomical Terminology (with an official list of Russian equivalents). RANK Russian Anatomic Nomenclature Committee under the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. All-Russian scientific society of anatomists, histologists and embryologists / Edited by RAMS Academician L.L. Kolesnikov. M.: Medicine, 2003. (in Russ.)

● Ado A.D., Ado M.A., Hayrapetyants M.G. Pathological physiology. Univeristy textbook. M., 2010. (in Russ.)

● English-Russian Medical Encyclopedic Dictionary. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 1995.

● Arzamastsev A.P. Pharmaceutical chemistry. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2008. (in Russ.)

● Belikov V.G. Pharmaceutical chemistry. M.: MEDpress-inform, 2007. (in Russ.)

● Bilich G.L., Kryzhanovsky V.A. Biology. Complete course. In 3 volumes. Vol. 2. Botany. M.: Onyx, 2009. (in Russ.)

● Internal medicine. Textbook for universities / Eds. Mukhina N.A., Moiseyeva V.S., Martynova A.I. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2010. (in Russ.)

● Petrova G.V., Ermicheva V.I. Latin terminology in medicine. M.: Astrel: AST, 2009. (in Russ.)

● Leenson I. Language of Chemistry. Etymology of chemical names. M.: Astrel: AST, 2017. (in Russ.)

● Kachalova G.S. Teaching chemical terminology and nomenclature using etymological analysis. http://image.websib.ru/04/edu/term.html. (in Russ.)

● Komov V.P., Shvedova V.N. Biochemistry. M.: Drofa, 2008. (in Russ.)

● A.S. Konichev Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Glossary of terms. M.: Drofa, 2008. (in Russ.)

● Korobov N.V., Maisky V.V. Self-study assignments to practical exercises in pharmacology. Moscow State University. M.: MAKS Press, 2012. (in Russ.)

● Korobov N.V., Maisky V.V. A guide to practical training in pharmacology. Moscow State University. M.: MAKS Press, 2000. (in Russ.)

● Kukes V.G. Clinical pharmacology. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. (in Russ.)

● Latin-Russian dictionary of medical terminology. M.: TSENTRPOLIGRAPH, 2006. (in Russ.)

● Lopatin P.V., Kartasheva O.V. Bioethics. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2009. (in Russ.)

● Louferov A.N., Petrova G.V. Botanical nomenclature. Reference book. M., 1995. (in Russ.)

● Maisky V.V., Alyautdin R.N. Pharmacology and general prescription. M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2011. (in Russ.)

● International anatomical terminology with grammar of Latin terminology. Ed. by G.Vs. Petrova. Moscow. Olma. 2019. (in Russ.)

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