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2. Elements of Latin Grammar in Anatomical Terminology

2.1. Noun, Substantivum

Each word of the language has a semantic and grammatical meaning.

Semantics is responsible for the meaning of a word. From the point of view of semantics, a noun names an object or a phenomenon... There can be many semantic meanings to a noun, all of them are somehow related to one other. E.g., the English word «hand». This is a body part, and an indicator or pointer on a dial, and personal possessions, and much more. The entries in dictionaries are often very long precisely because one word conveys many semantic nuances. And the more vocabulary entries a dictionary has, the more such semantic nuances are reflected in it, the better it is.

But no matter how rich a word is semantically, in the language necessarily coexists with other words, it should be related to them, and the connection should be clearly shown.

This is what grammar does: it shows connections between words. A word has many grammatical meanings too, each one characterizing the word in terms of specific grammatical relations. In this regard, the word HANDLE is a noun (name of an object). It is in the singular number (one, and not many), in a sentence in a position before a verb it will be the subject of the sentence. In grammatical terminology, such meanings are called grammatical categories.

HANDLE is a word in the English language, but everything said applies to other western languages. There are also semantics and many meanings to each word, there are also grammatical meanings. Grammar has its own specifics in each language, but many languages are related.

English and French grammars are fundamentally different from Russian and Latin grammar, but it is all the more interesting to compare them, since a language is not just sounds and letters; it is a reflection of a certain way of perceiving the world, of thinking and putting this thinking into words.

Therefore, wherever it helps, we will talk not only about Latin, but also about Russian, and about English, and about other languages. The main grammatical categories of the Latin and Russian noun are the same: gender, number, case, stem, declension.

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2. Elements of Latin Grammar in Anatomical Terminology
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