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Latin medical terminology
2. Elements of Latin Grammar in Anatomical Terminology
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Table of contents
0. Praefatio
1. Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling
2. Elements of Latin Grammar in Anatomical Terminology
2.1. Noun, Substantivum
2.1.1. Gender — genus
2.1.2. Noun stem
2.1.3. Representing a noun in a dictionary
2.1.4. Declension
2.1.5. Nominativus and genetivus in anatomical terminology
2.1.6. Sample declension of nouns
2.1.7. Determining the gender of a noun from nominativus singularis
2.1.8. Greek nouns
2.1.9. Muscle names
2.1.10. Terminological minimum
2.2. Adjective — adjectivum
2.2.1. Genus, number, case — genus, numerus, casus
2.2.2. Dictionary notation of Latin adjectives
2.2.3. Basic patterns of adjective dictionary forms and their declension
2.2.4. Declining adjectives
2.2.5. Noun-adjective agreement
2.2.6. Nominativus and genetivus of nouns and adjectives in anatomical terminology
2.2.7. Structure of anatomical term
2.2.8. Word order in anatomical term
2.2.9. Adjectives defining size or position
2.2.10. Substantive adjectives. Naming intestines and tunics
2.2.11. Synonyms in anatomical terminology
2.3. Preposition — Praepositio
2.3.1. Declining nouns and adjectives in anatomical terminology
2.3.2. Terminological minimum for preposition phrases
2.4. Conjunction — Conjunctio
2.5. Word Derivation is Thought Derivation
2.5.1. Initial word-building elements (prefixes)
2.5.2. Final derivational elements
2.5.3. Terminological minimum of derivational elements
2.6. Gymnastica Intellecti Conclusiva
3. Terminology of pharmaceutical chemistry
4. Elements of Latin Grammar in Pharmaceutical Terminology
5. Terminology of Pharmacology
6. Clinical Terminology
7. References
8. Additiones
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