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This textbook includes basic information on the main sections of fundamental and clinical neurology and neurosurgery. It is based on the materials of previous editions and is supplemented with the most up-to-date data on the etiology, pathogenesis, and the latest laboratory methods for diagnosing nervous system diseases. Based on the achievements of fundamental sciences, modern modified regimens for the treatment and prevention of nervous system diseases are presented.

Diseases of the nervous system are currently an urgent problem of clinical medicine. Symptoms of damage to the nervous system are not only significantly common but have great social and economic impact. Epidemiological studies conducted in 28 EU countries have shown that every fourth person (25%) suffers from brain diseases, while about 1/3 of all healthcare funds (35%) are spent on the treatment of these patients.

In some cases, neurological disorders are the initial signs of damage to other organs and systems, in particular tumors, endocrine diseases, etc. This textbook describes the variants of a combination of disorders of the nervous system and other pathological conditions occurring in many patients.

The chapters devoted to the treatment of diseases of the nervous and neuromuscular systems include information regarding the clinical application and effectiveness of the domestic and foreign drugs with neuroprotective, immunomodulatory properties that affect the processes of free radical oxidation and other pathogenetic agents.

This text shows the effectiveness of the latest neuroimaging tests and their clinical value.

Modern methods of surgical treatment of patients with vascular malformations, cranial and spinal tumors and other conditions are presented.

The use of the non-drug therapy in the management of patients with diseases of the nervous system are described.

This textbook is intended for students of medical universities, neurology and neurosurgery residents and post-graduate students. It can be useful for doctors practicing in the field of neurology, neurosurgery, as well as doctors of other clinical specialties.

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