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Normal physiology
Chapter 8. Behavior and mental activity
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Table of contents
List of abbreviations
General description of physiology as a science
Chapter 1. Basics of vital activity
Chapter 2. General organizational principles for the entire organism
Chapter 3. Nervous system
Chapter 4. Internal environment of the organism
Chapter 5. Visceral functions
Chapter 6. Analyzers
Chapter 7. Motor functions
Chapter 8. Behavior and mental activity
8.1. General principles of behavioral organization
8.2. Innate and acquired behavior
8.3. Inhibition of conditioned reflex activity
8.4. System architectonics of behavioral acts
8.5. Motivations
8.6. Memory
8.7. Emotions
8.8. Pain
8.9. Systematic composition of human mental activity
8.10. Human work activity
8.11. Sleep
8.12. Human reproductive functions
Control questions to the chapters of the textbook
Recommended supplementary literature
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