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Sociology of Medicine
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
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Table of contents
Editorial notes
Author’s preface
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
Chapter 9. Biomedical model
9.1. Conceptual basis of biomedical model
9.2. Biomedical model and social pathology doctrine
Chapter 10. Theories of social accord, conflict, and the role social models
10.1. he place of health and disease in the theories of social conflict
10.2. Conflict as the universal tool of social regulation
10.3. Theories of social action and the social role models
Chapter 11. Gender problems in sociology of medicine
Chapter 12. Psychoanalytical models of personality structure
12.1. Psychoanalytical theories of Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler, and Carl Jung
12.2. Modern neurophysiological models of personality structure and psychoanalysis
12.3. Psychoanalysis and sociology of medicine
12.4. Modern psychoanalytical techniques
Chapter 13. Phenomenology and social constructivism
13.1. Phenomenological model of personological concepts
13.2. Social constructivism
Chapter 14. Interactionism and medico-sociological studies
14.1. Conceptual basis of interactionist approach
14.2. Role of socially interactive and creative individuals in perception and interpretation of diseases
14.3. Public medico-sociological control
14.4. Institutionality of ‘ceremonial order’ in public health as the subject matter of interactionist methodology
14.5. The reasons to look ‘healthy’
14.6. Sociology of emotions
Chapter 15. Medical anthropology
15.1. Development and interaction of anthropological studies
15.2. Medical anthropology as a part of sociology of medicine
Chapter 16. Sociological theories and sociology of medicine
16.1. Society as sociocultural system
16.2. Social structure of society
16.3. Institutional forms to construct the public life
16.4. Personality and society
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
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