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Sociology of Medicine
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
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Table of contents
Editorial notes
Author’s preface
Part I. Subject matter in sociology of medicine
Chapter 1. Goals and objectives in sociology of medicine
1.1. Medico-sociological views on medicine, healthcare, and the health protection system
1.2. Scientific view on the current sociomedical realities
1.3. Crisis of the research paradigm in sociology of medicine in pre-perestroika period
1.4. Research methodology of institutional changes as the basis of novel scientific paradigm of sociology of medicine
1.5. Major applied tasks of sociologyof medicine in the study of sociomedical processes
Chapter 2. Methodology of definition of object field and subject matter in sociology of medicine
2.1. Formation of subject matter in sociology of medicine
2.2. Sociology of medicine and social hygiene
2.3. Sociology of medicine and general sociology
2.4. Subject and object in sociology of medicine
Chapter 3. Regularities in gnosiological analysis in sociology of medicine
3.1. The levels of medico-sociological knowledge
3.2. Empirical scheme of object in sociology of medicine
3.3. Objects in medico-sociological theory
3.4. Cognition philosophical and worldview attitudes
3.5. Medico-sociological fact
3.6. Medico-sociological problem
Chapter 4. Institutional analysis in sociology of medicine
4.1. Basic scientific branches and disciplines of sociology of medicine
4.2. Sociomedical characteristics of institutional changes
4.3. Sociocultural facets of institutional changes in medicine and public health
4.3.1. Comparative analysis of the healthcare system
4.3.2. Sociocultural facets of public health
4.3.3. Medico-sociological view on spread of diseases and their etiology
4.3.4. Social epidemiology
4.3.5. Mortality as medico-sociological problem
4.3.6. Sociological cognition of the effect of health and disease on society
4.3.7. Medical education
4.4. Institutional changes in providing medical services
4.4.1. Sociology of PTC
4.4.2. Organization of medical practice
4.4.3. Consumption of medical services
4.5. Sociopsychological aspects of institutional changes in the conduct of sociomedical groups related to maintenance and promotion of health and to prevention of the diseases
4.5.1. Social behavior and novel technologies to modify it
4.5.2. Notes on the problems of stress and diseases
4.5.3. Social and group psychiatry
4.5.4. Public health
4.6. Institutional changes in public health management: sociological approach to the problem
4.6.1. Politics and policy in public health
4.6.2. Sociology of professions related to public health
4.6.3. Social facets of healthcare economics
4.6.4. Organization and management in public health structures
4.6.5. Legal and ethical problems
Part II. Sociology of medicine as a part of scientific knowledge system
Part III. Comparative institutional analysis of the concepts of health and disease in models and theories of individual and society
Part IV. Sociology of health and disease
Part V. Sociology of medical science and profession
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