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Foreword to the fifth edition

The fifth edition of the textbook has been revised taking into account current achievements of science, organization of training and the experience of teaching histology, cytology and embryology at the leading universities of Russia: I.M. Seche­nov First Moscow State Medical University, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, St. Petersburg medical universities, etc. The textbook was written in accordance with the study program on histology, cytology and embryology (1998) recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for medical universities and medical faculties of universities. The study program was compiled with active participation of the authors and editors of this textbook. The fifth edition takes into account the feedback and criticisms expressed in the published reviews and voiced in conversations with fellow histologists. In particular, the authors agreed with the view that chapter XII “General Principles of Tissue Organization” in the fourth edition, which ended with a section on general histology, “did not work” in the curriculum of histology courses at medical universities, therefore it was removed from the fifth edition. The authors also agreed with suggestions about standardizing the titles of chapters on special histology and introduced the term “system” instead of “organs” (“Sensory system”, “Urinary system”, etc.), since in fact the textbook describes the structure, functions and interactions of organs of a specific system.

Many chapters: “Research methods in histology, cytology and embryology”, “Embryology”, “Blood and lymph. Hematopoiesis”, “Connective tissue”,“Nervous tissue”, etc. have been significantly revised. The chapter on embryology presents material related only to human development, so it was entitled “Fundamentals of Human Embryology”. The chapter “Immune system and cellular interactions in immune responses” now follows the chapter “Systems of hematopoiesis and immune defense”.

Each chapter contains clarifications that are important from a theoretical and practical point of view. The illustration material was updated, drawings and electronic micrographs were added. Some sections contain additional material from related sciences, allowing expanding the understanding of the structure and functions of the objects under consideration.

In this edition of the textbook there have been changes in the team of authors. Most of the chapters were written by the staff of the Department of Histology of I.M. Seche­nov Moscow Medical Academy (Prof. Afanasyev, Prof. Kotovsky) and the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (Prof. Yurina, Prof. Radostina, Prof. Torbek).

The authors would like to express their deepest gratitude to all colleagues — histologists, cytologists and embryologists — who provided original micrographs and diagrams for inclusion in the textbook, which made it possible to demonstrate the achievements of Russian science.

We especially would like to note the huge contribution made by science editors prof. Shubnikova and prof. Yaglov, who made valuable suggestions for revising the textbook and, together with the title editors, were actively preparing the textbook for publication.

We are deeply grateful to the staff of the Department of Histology, Cytology and Embryology, I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy: associate professors Bobovoy, Boronikhina, Goryachkina, senior instuctor E.A. Khachaturian, teaching assistant S.B. Kosarevich, senior laboratory assistant L.V. Komratova, laboratory assistant A.E. Kalyuzhnoy, the staff of the Department of Histology and Embryology, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia: Associate prof. Lebedeva, head of the laboratory T.M. Zinova, training master L.A. Shadrin.

Professor Yu.I. Afanasyev, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation
Professor N.A. Yurina, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation

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