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Lesson 19. Endodontics (Root Canal Therapy). Dental Anomalies. Grammar. Passive Voice (Revision)

Exercise 1. Learn the following definitions.

1. Dentistry - treatment and care of the teeth and associated oral structures. Dentists are concerned with tooth decay, diseases of the supporting structures (such as the gums), faulty positioning of the teeth, and tooth replacements, as well as prevention of these problems.

2. Orthodontia / orthodontics - a branch of dentistry concerned with straightening of teeth.

3. Orthodontist - a dentist who specializes in straightening teeth and correcting improper bite (occlusion).

4. Prosthodontics - a branch of medicine concerned with diseases and conditions involving muscles, tendonsjoints, ligaments, cartilages and bones.

5. Prosthesis - an artificial body part, such as a limb, tooth or eye, to take the place of a missing one.

6. Periodontics - a dental speciality which concerns itself with tissues immediately surrounding the teeth.

7. Periodontist - a dentist who specializes in conditions which affect tissues surrounding the teeth.

8. Pedodontics - children's dentistry.

Exercise 2. Active vocabulary to the text. Learn the following words.

to deal with - иметь дело to derive - происходить (от) to cleanse - прочищать, очищать to involve - вовлекать, вызывать

to seal - герметизировать

procedure - процедура, методика

i.e. = that is - то есть (т.е.)

periradicular - перирадикулярная (ткань)

removal - удаление, устранение

tip - кончик

to infect - инфицировать, заражать

to save - спасать

background - 1) предыстория; 2) образование, опыт

reason (for) - причина

cause - причина

irritation - раздражение

to reach - достигать

to result in - приводить к (в результате)

harmful - вредный

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