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Lesson 1. An Introduction to Dentistry. Why Consider a Dental Career. Grammar: Present and Past Simple

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian the following words and word combinations of Latin and Greek origin. Practice their English pronunciation.

dentistry, clinician, condition, process, science, qualified professionals, abnormal, anomaly, cause, detection, process, specialize, prevention, to manifest, endodontist, general dentist, orthodontist, pediatric dentist, periodontist, prosthodontist

Exercise 2. Learn the active vocabulary to the text.

a wide range of - целый ряд, большое количество

at the forefront of - в авангарде

dental practices - практическая стоматология

diagnostic - диагностический

fixed/removable prosthetic - постоянные/съемные протезы


gum - десна

malocclusion - неправильный прикус

oral diseases - стоматологические заболевания

preventive - профилактический

problems related to - проблемы, связанные с

rehabilitative - реабилитационный

skills - навыки

standards of (dental) health - уровень здравоохранения

(в области стоматологии)

surgical - хирургический

teeth (a tooth) - зубы (зуб)

through diagnosis, treatment - посредством диагностики and rehabilitation и лечения

to contribute to the qualify - способствовать улучшению

of life качества жизни

to fill a tooth - поставить пломбу

to maintain the health of teeth - следить за здоровьем зубов

to provide a wide range of care - предоставлять широкий спектр


to restore damaged/missing tooth - лечить/протезировать зубы

tooth decay - кариес

Exercise 3. Before reading the text translate the following words and word combinations.

a completely out-of-date notion, a branch of the healing arts and sciences, adjacent structures, irregular dental development, new developments in dentistry, clinical fields, dentists are instrumental in early detection of systemic body conditions, altered facial appearance, abnormal speech, to suit one's interests, effects of the disease, adolescence, an array of professional opportunities, a range of

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