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List of Abbreviations and Designations

— trade name of the medicinal product, and/or name of the drug substance

— the medicinal product is not registered in the Russian Federation

— the medicinal product is withdrawn in the Russian Federation

Ag — antigen

AH — arterial hypertension

GLPa — glucagon-like peptide receptor agonist

BP — blood pressure

ADH — antidiuretic hormone

CA — cardiac achalasia

ACA — anti-cardiolipin antibody

ACTH — adrenocorticotropic hormone

ALT — alanine aminotransferase

ANF — antinuclear factor

ANCA — antineutrophilic cytoplasmatic antibody

AS — ankylosing spondylitis

AST — aspartate aminotransferase

AB — antibody

ATP — adenosine triphosphate

aPL — antiphospholipid (antibody)

APS — antiphospholipid syndrome

ACPA — anti-citrullinated protein antibody

Anti-CCP — antibody to cyclic citrullinated peptides

CD — Crohn’s disease

DMARD — disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drug

LA — lupus anticoagulant

HIV — human immunodeficiency virus

LN — lupus nephritis

WHO — World Health Organization

GGT — gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase

GC — glucocorticoid

GP — glycoprotein

GLP — glucagon-like peptide

HPT — hyperparathyroidism

HCC — hepatocellular cancer

GERD — gastroesophageal reflux disease

DIC — disseminated intravascular coagulation

DM — dermatomyositis

DNA — deoxyribonucleic acid

DD — duodenum

DPP — dipeptidyl peptidase

dsDNA — double-stranded DNA

GD — gallstone disease

GIT — gastrointestinal tract

CAD — coronary artery disease

MV — mechanical ventilation

IIM — idiopathic inflammatory myopathy

DPPi — dipeptidyl peptidase inhibitor

ILD — interstitial lung disease

IL — interleukin

MI — myocardial infarction

BMI — body mass index

SGCi — sodium-glucose cotrasporter inhibitor

PPI — proton pump inhibitor

IR — insulin resistance

IT — insulin therapy

IFN — interferon

CFU — colony-forming unit

CT — computed tomography

CK — creatine phosphokinase

LH — luteinizing hormone

LDH — lactate dehydrogenase

MP — medicinal product

MDS — myelodysplastic syndrome

INR — international normalized ratio

MRI — magnetic resonance imaging

MSC — mesenchymal stem cell

NAFLD — nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

NASH — nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

ADR — adverse drug reaction

NSAID — nonsterodial anti-inflammatory drug

LES — lower esophageal sphincter

NPH — (neutral protamine Hagedorne) — medium-acting insulin

OA — osteoarthrosis

HC — hip circumference

OP — osteoporosis

AKI — acute kidney injury

WC — waist circumference

PA — primary aldosteronism

BE — Barrett’s esophagus

OGTT — oral glucose tolerance test

PG — pancreatic gland (pancreas)

BMA — bone marrow aspirate

PM — polymyositis

PNH — paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria

PAI — primary adrenal insufficiency

PsA — psoriatic arthritis

SU — sulphonylurea (sulphonylurea derivative)

PTH — parathyroid hormone

PTG — parathyroid gland

PET — positron emission tomography

RA — rheumatoid arthritis

GC — gastric cancer

RNA — ribonucleic acid

RF — rheumatoid factor

DM — diabetes mellitus

SCTD — systemic connective tissue disease

MCTD — mixed connective tissue disease

SLE — systemic lupus erythematosus

HSC — hematopoietic stem cell

GFR — glomerular filtration rate

ESR — erythrocyte sedimentation rate

SpA — spondyloarthritis

IBS — irritable bowel syndrome

SSD — systemic scleroderma

CVD — cardiovascular disease

CVS — cardiovascular system

SS — Sjogren’s syndrome

Т3 — triiodothyronine

Т4 — thyroxine

TZD — thiazolidinedione

TSH — thyroid-stimulating hormone

US — ultrasound examination

FD — functional dyspepsia

TNF — tumor necrotic factor

OPC — organophosphorous compound

FSH — follicle stimulating hormone

CKD — chronic kidney disease

CG — chronic gastritis

CRF — chronic renal failure

CNS — central nervous system

COX — cyclooxygenase

TG — thyroid gland

EGD — esophagogastroduodenoscopy

ECG — electrocardiography

PUD — peptic ulcer disease

UC — ulcerative colitis

CD — cluster of differentiation

CRP — C-reactive protein

HbA1c — glycated hemoglobin

HLA — human leukocyte antigen

Ig — immunoglobulin

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