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With some further decline of the whole earth's culture, there may arise an

even greater ugliness and cruelty of human.

F. Nietzsche

I portray the world not as I see it, but as I think it.

P. Picasso

Responsibility for the present allows us to feel responsible for the future.

K. Jaspers

Completing the presentation of one of the most complex and topical scientific and philosophical paradigms of our time, bioethics, one should pay attention to the following points. The changes that have taken place in the life and activities of people in recent years have been so rapid in time and radical in content that it can be said with absolute certainty that modern man lives in a completely different world - incredible and even something fantastical. Was it possible quite recently to think about, for example, a computer and the Internet, cloning and genetic engineering, decoding of human DNA and genome, satellites of the Earth and space flights of people, world global telephone communications? All this makes a person more strong and free. But this new world of people is not only very complicated, but due to the unique circumstances, in which they find themselves, it is contradictory and unsafe.

As a result, it is possible to say that the first step of a man who was born tens or hundreds of thousands of years ago (and maybe even earlier - 1-2 million years ago), in the era of critical primitiveness, was the "preserving of life" of a person as a member of society, putting it under the control of the universal human reason, or, speaking in traditional language, morality, and later ethics. All this demanded the creation of a society of people, which would be based on morality, since without it people would perish. This was solved, as always in the society of people, not through an individual person, but with preservation of the life of each individual and the society of people as a whole.

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